I think it's *your* email address, not Westnet per se.

I don't actually use my old IT email address but it's still running so I can pick up the odd stragglers who haven't got my Westnet email address yet. The old IT address started getting massive amounts of spam before I changed to Westnet & is now getting 60 or more spam emails a day (including the CNN one).

My Westnet email address so far gets NO spam at all, & I haven't paid for their spam filtering service.


On 12 Aug 2008, at 1:21 PM, Paul Weaver wrote:
Well I'm sort of happy that it's not only me that's been picked on.
However it does seem that Westnet clients are more vulnerable to
these spammers because the ISP charges $30 a year extra to include
spam filtering.  I've been with Westnet for a few years, but maybe
it's time to start shopping around for better service.   Any


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