Yes, although I am going to try the things that Ronni suggested when we get back from China.
On 10/11/2008, at 12:39 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:

Many thanks, Susan, that is interesting and reassuring to hear!

On 10/11/2008, at 10:16 AM, Susan Hastings wrote:

Hi all, the problem with all of this diagnostic stuff is that I have had, and still have, other Macs, which are connected to networks, printers and external hard drives. All of my other Macs go to sleep when I'm not using them, unless I have something obvious happening, such as a file downloading.

This is unique to this computer - in my case a G5 1.8 SP, and I know its unique because of using a wide range of Macs. I can live with it, but thought it useful to share with Severin that this it might just be a quirk on these computers. If we could solve it, that would be great!

cheers, Susan.

On 09/11/2008, at 6:21 PM, James Devenish wrote:

Hi Severin,

Some programmes perform periodic activity which (intentionally or not) will restart your Mac's time-to-sleep timer. For example, downloading
a large file will prevent your disk from going to sleep and thus
prevent your computer from going to sleep. Continuous file sharing and internet chat logging can have this effect also, despite the fact that
you have walked away from your computer. Severin, if you close all
your apps and leave the computer for 10 mins, does it go to sleep? I
imagine it won't, but if it DOES, then you should try to identify
which programme is the culprit.


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