Hi Ronnie,

Yes, that worked ...

I just went back though all the emails that have addresses in them and they don't work.
are the two features connected...?


Peter F

On 11/11/2008, at 9:18 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Peter,

Something funny going on here.
Have you used this function before?

Move your pointer over this date:  Wednesday 12th November 2008.
Does a dotted box appear around it, with a downward pointing arrow on the right? Click this arrow to display a contextual menu with options "Create New iCal Event, "Show This Date in iCal".


On 11/11/2008, at 8:44 PM, Peter Fowler wrote:

Hi Ronnie,

I gave it a try, Quit mail, did the copy and paste thing, hit return...

still no luck


Peter F

On 11/11/2008, at 7:38 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Peter,

Data Detectors should be working in both your accounts. They work in POP & IMAP.
How they would become disabled, I have no idea.

Terminal is not all that scary Peter, you can copy & paste the command in the Terminal Window.

Quit Mail,
Open Terminal & copy & paste this command below to turn Data Detectors ON, in the Terminal Window,
defaults write com.apple.mail DisableDataDetectors NO

Then press Return

Open Mail and Data Detectors should be working.


On 11/11/2008, at 6:44 PM, Peter Fowler wrote:

Hi Ronnie,

I was looking for the data detectors in mail in my inbox.
My mail account is with iinet (pop) and I also tried in my .mac account (imap I think)

Daniel emailed me to tell me the iPhone dock had arrived that I ordered awhile ago. I tried to use the data detector feature to place his info in address book which would then sync with my iPhone.


Peter F

On 11/11/2008, at 6:26 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Peter,

Another couple of thoughts.
You aren't looking for Data Detectors in messages you are composing or in Drafts are you?

The Data Detectors feature works only on messages you’ve already received or sent, not on new messages you’re composing
(even if they’re stored in Drafts).

Or ... Is your Account a Leopard Server based account, (Home directory on the server)?

Local account - Data Detectors work
Server based account with home directory on the server - Data Detectors DON'T work.


On 11/11/2008, at 5:50 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

Hi Peter

It could be they are disabled as well.
Check this link here, may help:-

This helps turn it on and off.
Might be worth "turning it on" :o)

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards

On 11/11/08 5:28 PM, "Peter Fowler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Afternoon All,

The data detector feature in mail does not seem to working any more. It has been suggested that this was an add on feature although I seem
to remember it working at one stage

Can anyone help with this problem
(Macbook 2.2 GHz OS X 10.5.5)


Peter F

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