Hi Walter,

I must admit I had not actually used this application I only remembered seeing it on silvermac and thought, what a good idea as the dock can become very cluttered sometimes.

I went back and downloaded it. Once downloaded, drag it into the apps folder and immediately it placed an icon in the task bar. Clicking on that opened it, I went to preferences, clicked on new and it created a new dock. "New dock 1" and "New dock 2"

Once you have created the new dock you can add and remove items as you please. There is also many more options available as in 2D,3D and alignment and position.

The docks can be accessed by the shortcuts command 0 and command 1

hope this helps


Peter F

On 23/11/2008, at 5:03 PM, F.W. Hänel wrote:

Hi Peter,

I have downloaded the application and installed it in the appl/ folder in the usual manner, but
am unable to open it. Won't open when click on the dock icon either.
Was hoping to place 1 dock vertical and one horizontal.

What is the secret ?


On 22/11/2008, at 6:24 PM, Stuart Breden wrote:

Hi guys

I use a lot of application in my digital general practice. A number of these are only for clinical use.

Can I put these into a separate dock say on the riigh side and leave the defaults OS 10.5 dock at the bottom?

Stuart Breden
PO Box 132
Kalamunda WA 6926
Hm Ph: (08) 9257 1577
Wk Ph: (08) 9291 4599
Mbl: 0417 053 266

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Hi Stuart

Have a look at this link , it be what you are looking for


Peter F


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