Hi John, have you changed the extension to .ppt. That is the file extension for powerpoint files made on my Intel Mac. cheers, Susan.
On 15/01/2009, at 12:51 PM, John Daniels wrote:

Thanks James, however, having done as you suggest, PowerPoint is greyed out and cannot be selected. Also in Get Info the file is shown as a Photoshop 7
document which it is not, but extension is pps.
On my table lamp Mac the same file is correctly shown as a PowerPoint file and opens normally in that program. I don't know why the Intel Mac thinks it
is a Photoshop file.
So I'm baffled at the moment.

On 15/1/09 12:28 PM, "James / Hans Kunz" <sad...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

click once to select the file, then get info, in the lower part you
can select which app should open the file (you may click 'change all'
to reduce the problem in future
also does the file name ends with .pps or .ppt??
cheers James

On 15/01/2009, at 12:08, John Daniels wrote:

Hi all
We are having trouble opening PowerPoint email attachments (pps) on
Intel Mac.
Every attempt to open the attachment results in Photoshop opening not
PowerPoint. Finder's "Get Info" shows the file as a Photoshop file
which it
is not and I cannot access PowerPoint when attempting to make the
file open
with anything other than Photoshop.
Has anyone any suggestions?

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SAD Technic
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skype: barleeway

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