Wendy, I have, and continue to have, this problem. Ronni was trying to get to the bottom of it, but I don't think there was any discovery of the root cause other than probably something to do with how they were being compressed to start with.

The interim workaround is to decompress the zip files using Stuffit Expander - at least that works for me, but remain interested in learning the root cause. What does Stuffit do differently to Apple's Archive Utility?!

Cheers, Steven

On 25/01/2009, at 2:00 PM, Wendy S. Austin wrote:

Hello Everyone

I have just downloaded a heap of .zip files using Firefox and when I unzip them they come out with a .zip.cpgz extension and I cannot open them. This happened recently while using Firefox and when I downloaded the same file using Opera, it unzipped with no problem. So, it is Firefox related and unfortunately I forgot about that when I downloaded these files. There has been mention of this problem before and I have found some discussion on the internet but no one seems to be able to suggest how to go open them. I did try Springy software but it wouldn't open them either.

Any suggestions, other than going back and downloading them all again using Opera?

With thanks.


Coastal Road, Pomponette
Mauritius Island

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