On 02/02/2009, at 12:41 PM, Michael Anderson wrote:

MacBook 2ghz Intel Core Duo, running OSX 10.5.6, and Pages 08 (v 3.02). I also have on a separate HD back up my old MS Office for Mac 2004.

I have received by email a Word document which is supposed to have embedded in it several other word documents and PDFs. I can see the titles of the documents, but am unable to open them.

I've tried Pages, Word and Preview without success to open the embedded documents.

Does anyone on the list have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

R U using Apple Mail ?

If so , immediately under the to address it should show that you have attachments , an option to save

If you have done that and you have just the one word document
I would guess that the other " documents " are on links at the Sender end
and the target of the link has not been picked up and sent to you .

Your sender would need to fix that ,
unless the sender has them on a URL that you can address dIrectly from
a browser ...   unlikely as security would be an issue


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