Hi Neil

Thanks for the reply.Yes iI tried another firewire device and the ports seem to work.

Unplugging I did before and didn't solve that problem.

Neither in Disk Utility nor in System profiler I fnd the e-Mac.

I try to get a new firewire next week to see if that one is working.

Thanks again Martin
On 22/02/2009, at 12:39 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Hi Martin,

A few things come to mind:

- Sometimes when I've had external HDs not show up unplugging and
re-plugging the firewire cable has helped - worth a try.

- Open disk utility on the iMac and see if it finds the the eMac's disk.

- Run system profiler on the iMac (open "about this mac" and click "more
info" or go to Applications/Utilities/System Profiler) and look under
Hardware, Firewire, and see if the eMac's disk is showing up. Let us know
what it shows.

- Do you have any other firewire device you can try on both computers, in turn, just to check that the firewire ports ARE working on both machines.

Another alternative, if you find you have problems with one or the other of the firewire ports, would be to connect the two computers with an ethernet cable (obviously the eMac would need to be normally booted, not in target
mode) enable file sharing and transfer the files over the network



Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 22/2/09 11:48 AM, Martin Sulkowski at msulkow...@bbsat.com.au wrote:

hmmmm I 'm still not much further ...I can start the e=mac in
targetmode both as administrator as well as other user ,,,,,but still
I' can't see the firewire symbol on the I-mac...... do I have to
authorize the firewire port  ???or is there something else I have to
do ?

Everybit of help is greatly appreciated as I could finf only the same
advice on the net as given to me from wamug

Thanks in advance Martin
On 21/02/2009, at 11:13 AM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Hi Martin,

To use firewire transfer, you need to have started one one the
computers in
Target mode - that way it just shows up as an external firewire
drive on the
other machine.

For the way you describe, ie to use the iMac to do the work, you
need to
start the e-mac in target mode. To do that, just hold down the "T" key whilst you boot up or restart the eMac. It should startup with a blank
screen apart from the firewire symbol drifting around the screen.

You should then be able to see a new external drive (with the name
of the
eMac harddrive) on the iMac.



Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 21/2/09 10:32 AM, Martin Sulkowski at msulkow...@bbsat.com.au

Hi Everyone

I have an I-MC RUNNING 10.4.11 AND AN  e- Mac  running 10.4.11 as
well.I linked both machines with an firewire and try to transfer
my i-
Tunes library to the e-mac .

Can't find the e-mac in FINDER window on I-Mac.

How can I make sure that only the songs which are not on the e-mac
get imported.

Thanks a lot Martin

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Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

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