On 29/03/2009, at 5:13 PM, Peter Curtis wrote:

Hi Ronni
By good fortune rather than by design, when we attached the iPod to the computer it advised us that if we proceeded any further we would erase the iPod!
Lucky eh?

We conclude you did not have a backup !

With Hard drives as cheap as they now are you would do well to acquire one
and at least backup your users folder .

I can recommend Superduper for this : that way you will always have a relevantly
recent copy of all your files .


PS : Some of the " external hard drives " like WD units do not play nice with Mac . A separate enclosure with a WD hard drive installed works great . I have an esata
connection on G5 Power Mac that boots with no problems.

On 29/03/2009, at 5:06 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

You're welcome Peter,

Just take care ... NB: To STOP iTunes from auto-syncing with the iPod: While connecting the iPod to your computer, be sure to hold down the Command + Option keys to prevent iTunes from auto-syncing with your iPod. If you don't do so, iTunes may automatically erase the contents of your iPod!

The use iPod Rip to "Automatic Recovery" Add all original songs and playlists to your iTunes Library from your device.


On 29/03/2009, at 5:00 PM, Peter Curtis wrote:

Thanks Ronni
I've just loaded Leopard, there is no transfer from my previous system, that has gone to heaven!
I'll give ipod rip a try, that sounds like what I'm looking for.
Many thanks Ronni
On 29/03/2009, at 4:47 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 29/03/2009, at 3:12 PM, Peter Curtis wrote:

Hi all
Due to my own stupidity I have had to reinstall a system on an eMac. I didn't lose anything of any importance fortunately, except for my wife's songs loaded on iTunes. When she attaches the iPod it warns her if she continues it will wipe it! Is there any way we can reinstall the songs from the iPod to the eMac without physically doing it with all the cd's?
Any clues much appreciated.

Hello Peter,

What version iTunes & OSX are you using?

Is this iTunes completely empty ... no songs?

Are sure your iTunes Library is not in Home > Music - iTunes folder?

You can use iPod Rip.
It will not only copy all the music from your iPod to your Mac — including music purchased from the iTunes Music Store and audiobooks — but do so while maintaining the playlists you’ve created.


"Put control of the iPod back in your hands with the ultimate iPod companion. iPodRip supports recovering your songs and playlists, playback of audio files and much more."

Another Application that is very good is Senuti:

NB: To STOP iTunes from auto-syncing with the iPod:
While connecting the iPod to your computer, be sure to hold down the Command + Option keys to prevent iTunes from auto-syncing with your iPod. If you don't do so, iTunes may automatically erase the contents of your iPod!


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