On 01/04/2009, at 10:00 AM, Diana & Graham Stevens wrote:

On 31/3/09 3:28 PM, "Diana & Graham Stevens" <diag...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

Graham's iMac [PowerPC G5(3.0), 1.8 GHz, 1 GB RAM running 10.3.9] has
become extremely slow.

All applications run slowly and collecting email or using the
Internet is so slow as to be useless. The connection is OK because my
G5 still works well.

I repaired permissions but that has not helped.

Can anyone suggest what is wrong/how to fix it?

On 31/3/09 6:52 PM, Daniel Kerr wote:

It could be the drive is fragmented and needs something run over it, like
DiskWarrior to degfragment (or a similar program).
It could also be the start of a failing Hard Drive, hence why it's slow. So make sure to keep a good backup. (Techtool can sometimes tell you the status
of a drive as well).

Thanks for the suggestion Daniel but it didn't work.

The iMac does not recognise the Disk Warrior disk (v. 3.0, OS 10.3.2) as a Start Up Disk. It is OK on my computer.

Diana ,

As best as I can tell from your Machine description by using Mactracker ,
your supplied Mac OS will be later than 10.3.2 and as a consequence
that would likely explain why your Disk Warrior will not start up .

As you had 10.3.9 now running on the imac that just may explain why
the system disk will not advance ....  hope the cpu is not faulty .

I can loan you a later version of Disk Warrior if you wish .

In between times you may like to connect the imac in Target Disk mode
to your own Mac and run a Check Disk program on it using Disk Utility
to see what that says .



It did recognise the Panther System Disk but when I tried to start up it stuck at the grey screen with the apple.

We only have an ancient version of Tech Tools Pro (v.2.0?) but even if I got an updated version it wouldn't start from it.

Any more suggestions?

Thanks to all who have offered help.


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