On 05/04/2009, at 2:38 PM, Ken Jackson wrote:

Hi folks,

have a few U Tube segments I'd like to show a friend, is there a tried & true formula for getting them on to a disc (DVD).
Downloaded via Tube TV,



Hi Ken,

You need to download and install a System Preference component called Perian:
This enables Quicktime to play the flash video format of Youtube.
From there you can get QT to export the movie in a format that iMovie can handle - like DV stream.

You must read the Perian info closely and watch their little video tutorials, but it is certainly not difficult to accomplish.

Most You Tube videos are not good quality so don't expect a good quality DVD.
You could use Toast 8, 9 or 10 if you have it, it'll do the converting & make the chapters for you.

Drag them into Video/DVD-video area then

Select which Menu Style you prefer then

Menu File/Save as Disk Image.

Mount the .toast file when it's finished and use DVD Player to test it before burning.


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