Hi Wamuggers

The reason that this site requires IE is that it uses vbscript code, which as far as I know can only be understood by IE, although it may be that other browsers can interpret it with the help of a plug-in. If they had used Javascript then any browser could handle it, but many government departments are so Microsoft blinkered that this is beyond both their imagination and capability.

This means that purely changing the user agent, which most browsers including Safari 3 will do for you, will not solve the problem. In fact a quick look at the HTML for the site suggests that it does not even check to see what user agent is being used.

Anyone trying the site using a slow connection should be aware that the main page includes a 20Mb(!) flash file - another example of their lack of concern for their clients, many of whom will live in the country and will not have broadband connections. Your taxes at work.

Kaye Stott and Geoff Prince
email: k...@kgweb.org.au
web: http://www.kgweb.org.au

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