Right, I'm playing with that Ronni, thanks again,



On 01/05/2009, at 7:34 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:


All the clips of the original project are merged into a single clip in the new project. You can no longer edit titles, for example. You can, however, split the single clip to edit parts of it. You can add transitions, for example, or new titles.


On 01/05/2009, at 5:21 PM, Ken Jackson wrote:

        Funny one this Ronni,
I started a new I Movie & imported the Full Quality file into it & hello! It plays back fine,, problem is I couldn't finish the edit because of the staggering video & audio. It won't allow you to drag the whole file into the edit space (as clips) but it plays fine. Thanks, you're right though it could be a unassociated problem so will have to have that looked in to, I'm not cluey enough for that yet.

Thanks again, will let you know if I get the problem solved, have a peaceful weekend,



On 30/04/2009, at 4:36 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 30/04/2009, at 1:22 PM, Ken Jackson wrote:

Hi Ronni, thanks, good to talk again.

Hi Ken,

A bit more information is really required to be able to offer constructive help.

        1. How long is the video?

         about 29 minutes, I've done longer without this problem tho'.

        2. Have you converted it to a DVD?

        No this is just in I MOvie HD.

        3. Was the Audio shot from a camcorder set to 12 bit Audio?
                No it's 16 bit.

12-bit Audio will always go out of sync on long recordings, 16- bit will not.
        4. Did the Audio play correctly in iMovieHD?

        No that's where the problem is

5. Does the Video track play correctly, or is it both Audio and Video breaking up?

        The video is breaking up a s well.

        6. What Camera did you shoot the footage on?
           A panasonic NV GS-70

        Without knowing what you have done or how ....
Being "Out of Sync", you could be dropping frames or your sample rate could be off.

Not so much 'out of sync' but more like a buffering effect & the music breaks up completely while the video staggers a bit.

If it's just the Audio out of sync, you could extract the audio and check the sample rate. With Quicktime Pro you can export as Sound to AIFF and resample, under Options if need be. Audacity is a free stand-alone sound editor that might be handy. <http://audacity.sourceforge.net>

        If the Audio drifts it's usually because the sample rate is off.
        The sample rate should be 48kHz, 16-bit

        It's strange that it occurs on the G4 & the G5, never has before?

        Hope that helps narrow it a bit?

Hi Ken,

Unfortunately no, it doesn't really narrow it down  ;-)
There was a problem with 'stuttering / stalling' playback in iMovie HD happening back after Quicktime 7.5 update, but that was corrected in Quicktime 7.5.5 & 7.6 update.

A couple of things I could suggest at this time to try, (but with no guarantees either will work), would be to Export the entire iMovie Project to a 'Quicktime Full Quality movie'. This will join all the clips into a single clip. You could then Import THAT movie into a NEW iMovie project. The new project will (should) play smoothly for it contains no audio clips. (The Audio clips have all been absorbed into the one video clip in the new project). Export to Quicktime is not a time-sensitive operation, unlike if you exported back to the camera.

You can then finish editing the new project, add chapter markers, and send to iDVD.

To try this, follow these instructions:

1.Open the stuttering project in iMovie.

2. From the iMovie menubar, choose File > Share.

3. Click the QuickTime icon at the top of the window.

4. Choose "Full Quality" from the popUp menu "Compress movie for:".

5. Click Share. When the export window opens name the movie and note the folder where you save it.

6. Close the stuttering project.

7. Create a new project, using a different name.

8. Import the Full Quality movie. (If you are low on disk space, you can avoid duplicating the Full Quality movie by "importing" the Full Quality movie through the back door. Quit iMovie. In the Finder, Control-Click on the new package icon, and choose Show Project Contents from the popUp menu. Drop the Full Quality movie in the Media folder. Close the Finder project window. Open the project in iMovie. The Full Quality movie will be in the Trash. Move it to the Timeline.

Finish your editing of the project. It needed, split the single clip as needed.

Add your chapter markers for iDVD, if needed, and share the project to iDVD.


Try sending the iMovie project to iDVD and burn a DVD, (I suggest you "Save as a Disc Image" rather than burn the DVD to see if that plays without problems). The iDVD encoding acts a lot like exporting to Quicktime, apparently iDVD takes whatever time it needs to encode the project, it's not a time-sensitive operation.

Ken, I noticed on your original email that you are using iMovie HD version 6.0.3, the final version was 6.0.4


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