Hi Lloyd, I have TTP5 installed on an external drive, but have also reinstalled TTP5 on my laptop, with protection turned on, and its now working well. I did download TTP5 from the link at the bottom of the MacUpdate email this time instead of the one in the body of the email, I don't know if this has made a difference. I have not set up an edrive on my laptop. So, not sure that it was TTP5 causing problems last time - I was getting freezes whilst using programs, the whole system was freezing - not just individual programs so I could force quit. cheers, Susan.
On 03/06/2009, at 7:53 AM, Lloyd White wrote:

Thanks Bob,

I booted from the Install disk and repaired permissions and that seems to have solved the problem. It listed a large number of permissions that it
repaired.  But I will certainly uninstall TT Pro.


On 02/06/2009, at 4:04 PM, Lloyd White wrote:

Hi everyone.

Like others I installed the new TechTools Pro from the bundle and just
checked a few things including  repairing the permissions. Nothing

Now I have problems. I set my iMac - 10.5.7 to sleep when I finish
with it
but when it wakes up it freezes.
On restart all I get is the blue screen. Restart - same result.
I get it to start by holding down the Command and full stop key.
Then all is
ok until I restart.
Help! What has happened and what can I do?



You could try going backwards !

The TechTool Pro installer has an Uninstaller as an option !

And if you used TTP to do permissions it may be better to run
Leopard disk utility to reset them


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