Hi Gordon, they will probably be on sale at Apple Resellers here in the West, as the iPhone 3g was. cheers, Susan.
On 25/06/2009, at 3:56 PM, Gordon Campbell wrote:

It would seem that Apple has decided that they are going to sell the
iPhone 3GS outright and unlocked from their retail stores. There's no
official press release, but a very long thread has emerged on
Whirlpool (http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=1228756)
in which numerous people have called the 5 different Apple stores and
been given the same story by the various staff there:

Outright Pricing (Unlocked for your carrier's pleasure)
$879 – 16GB
$1040 – 32GB

Which is well below the Vodafone price. I'll be curious to see how the
carriers react to this news. I'm hoping that Apple will also make them
available tomorrow on their online store, for those of us in the West
that can't just fly over East everytime we want to purchase Apple. :)


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