I've used a Microsoft Bluetooth 5000 model - worked great and lasted ages - 
mind, I found the mouse a little small for my hand and I did experience a bit 
of physical pain so I had to stop that one.


On 30/07/09 8:39 AM, "Peter Hinchliffe" <hinch...@multiline.com.au> wrote:

On 30/07/2009, at 7:58 AM, Peter Sealy wrote: 

> Anyone using a bluetooth mouse? Roadtest reports? 

I have a Logitech mouse which I bought in March 2007. It has never  
failed me, and I think I've changed the batteries twice in that time.  
Certainly no more than that. 

It always pairs within seconds and runs all day. Excellent device. 

Gavin Criddle
IT Support Officer
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences
Medical Research Foundation, Royal Perth Hospital, M570
University of Western Australia
P: (08) 9224 0311
F: (08) 9224 0246
E: gavin.crid...@uwa.edu.au

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