On 07/08/2009, at 2:35 PM, gary dorn wrote:

I have software which recently had an update v 4.1 universal - (previously ran under rosetta)

On my MacPro 10.5.6
when ever I open a file and go to save it, the save is not kept.

I checked this on , my Macbook  10.5.6 using same version of software
when I open a file ( existing or new) and go to save it, it is kept - ie works properly

any ideas whats going on?

I have a file which I worked a full day on, despite copy/paste to new files, doing save as backup copy, non of the file data is kept?

I still have this file open and dare not close it case there is some work around I have missed so that my efforts are kept.

Hi Gary,

You don't by chance have this file in a locked folder?
Some applications delete the existing file and create a new one when saving, and if the folder is locked, that stops it from doing so.


17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
OS X 10.5.7

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