Thank you Daniel.

The Terminal advice 'hdiutil eject -force' from your link did the trick,
I applied it when the drive was in Power Down mode so nothing was accessing it at the time.

After ejecting it I checked the drive again with About This Mac, it came out of Power Down mode but didn't re-mount then went into Idle mode, I guess that had to happen for About This Mac to identify it.

It's info was the same just no Available: GB's and no Mount Point:

But it leaves me wondering if I have formatted it wrong for the system to think it's being used when it's not.



On 31/08/2009, at 12:14 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

On 31/8/09 11:51 AM, "Brian Scott" <> wrote:


I have tried selecting the eject triangle in Finder, selecting the
drives icon and pressing ⌘-E and ejecting from Disk Utility but
I keep getting "The disk is in use and could not be ejected" "Try
quitting applications and try again".

I only use it as a kind scratch-back-up drive where I copy things I
want to preserve so it shouldn't be getting used by any programs at all.

However I've tried quitting everything I can but still it won't eject;(

Is there some way of asking the system what is accessing the drive?

It goes to sleep but wakes up occasionally for some reason.

Here's what I got from About This Mac under USB High-Speed Bus ..

USB to ATA/ATAPI Bridge:

  Capacity: 465.76 GB
  Removable Media: Yes
  Detachable Drive: Yes
  BSD Name: disk2
  Product ID: 0x2338
  Vendor ID: 0x152d  (JMicron Technology Corp.)
  Version: 1.00
  Serial Number: 00630A622222
  Speed: Up to 480 Mb/sec
  Manufacturer: JMicron
  Location ID: 0xfa440000
  Current Available (mA): 500
  Current Required (mA): 2
  Mac OS 9 Drivers: No
  Partition Map Type: APM (Apple Partition Map)
  S.M.A.R.T. status: Not Supported
  Capacity: 465.64 GB
  Available: 120.76 GB
  Writable: Yes
  File System: Journaled HFS+
  BSD Name: disk2s3
  Mount Point: /Volumes/Sea465


iMac 24" 3.06 2 Duo
3.06 GHz/4GB/NVIDIA 512 MB
OS X 10.5.8
Sitting on a empty 1975 Burroughs-B800 console

Hi Brian

Some background applications (like Virus scanners, Time Machine, File
Sharing, and Spotlight etc) can be using the drive without "showing" they
are using it.
If you open up Activity Monitor (in Macintosh HD/Applications/ Utilities) it
will show a list of all running Applications.
If you know which one is using the drive, or showing access to the drive,
you can "kill the process" which then releases the drive.
If you're not sure, the easiest way is to shutdown or restart then you can
unplug the drive.

You can also try ejecting it from Disk Utility as well. (in Macintosh

Another option is to "Force Quit" the Finder, if you're not running anything
(You can either do this from the Apple Menu and choose "Force Quit" or hold down the Option Key and Click and hold on the Finder icon. You will then get
a pop up menu with the Option "Relaunch"

Other options you can also do are the some terminal commands which are

Something in there should hopefully help.

Kind Regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
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