You're welcome David,

If you have both old and new wireless devices, you can cable (via Ethernet) a new 802.11n base station hosting a 5GHz network to an older 802.11b/g base station configured to operate in the "802.11b/g compatible" 2.4 GHz band. This enables faster devices to connect at full speed with minimal interference, while also allowing older devices to connect to the same network through the older base station and interoperate together with every other device on the same network. This setup also prevents 802.11b/g devices from temporarily slowing down a 802.11n network as they transmit, which happens when using mixed devices on a 802.11n base station configured as "b/g compatible."

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On 08/09/2009, at 6:34 PM, David Wood wrote:

Thanks Ronni,

I now understand more clearly.

I do in fact have 2 x Airport Express units of 802.11b vintage which I strategically positioned to enable my wireless network throughout the house. I will investigate more now on the Apple help sites.

Thanks again for your help,

On 08/09/2009, at 3:18 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi David,

Check in Airport Utility - to see what "Radio Mode" your Wireless Network is set up as. Open Airport Utility, then double click on your Main Base Station, then Airport > Wireless > Radio Mode: 802.11n (802.11b/g compatible) or 802.11n.

If you have older hardware connecting it is probably 802.11n (802.11b/g compatible) 2.4GHz which is backward compatible & has a longer range than 5GHz.
This is best for a Network with a mix of B & G, and N Wi-Fi adapters.

If you wanted to change your Network to 802.11n 5GHz ... BUT take note that if you have any B or G devices on your network—like Macs with the original AirPort Extreme built in—they can’t connect. You would need to create a new Network and set it up as 802.11n 5GHz.

You would need to start another thread if you require help on setting up Wireless Networks.
A good place to start is


On 08/09/2009, at 2:20 PM, David Wood wrote:

Hi Ronni,

Been following this now for sometime.

My network appears to be running on 2.4GHz (followed your prompt below to establish) says "Channel: 6 (2.4GHz)... can you please advise how I switch to 5GHz?

I have an iMac 3.06GHz w. 4GB memory linked wirelessly to Time Capsule.

Many thanks,

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