Strange,..came through as a normal text email to me,...Very strange.

Hi Toby

You could try removing the following files to the desktop and see if it
makes a difference.
Macintosh HD/Users/yourname/Library/Preferences.
The 2 files to remove are:- and

Remove them to the desktop, restart and see if that works.
If not, you can put them back to the same location.

(oh, and you may also find a couple of extension in the same directory as
above, but in the folder "ByHost".
Called<lot of numbers here>.plist
You could remove that as well.

A couple of things to try here as well just incase:-

If nothing there, try creating another User account, log in and see if it
works in the "new user" or not.

Hope that helps.

Kind Regards

On 13/10/09 9:31 PM, "Susan Hastings" <> wrote:

> Hi Toby, did you realise that your question came through as an
> attachment rather than in the body of the email? regards, Susan.
> On 13/10/2009, at 8:37 PM, Toby Oldham wrote:
>> <Mail Attachment.rtf>
On 13/10/09 8:37 PM, "Toby Oldham" <> wrote:

> Hey, A quick Google search got a couple of hits but no answers... Anyone else
> have this Issue?
> I'm running a core Duo iMac with 4 gig of RAm, about 100gig spare disk space,
> 10.6.1 and iPhoto 8.1
> Neither my Canon IXUS 80 IS or my iPhone 3Gs is being recognised by either
> iPhoto or Image Capture.
> iTunes doesn't appear to be having any problems seeing/syncing to the iPhone.
> Bizarre. 
> Cheers,
> Tobes. 

Daniel Kerr

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