{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\fromtext \deff0{\fonttbl

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\uc1\pard\plain\deftab360 \f0\fs20 A product like Wiretap Studio can capture audio from any source on the computer without the need for cables.\par







-----Original Message-----\par

From: wamug-ow...@wamug.org.au on behalf of James / Hans Kunz\par

Sent: Wed 11/25/2009 4:25 PM\par

To: WAMUG Mailing List\par

Subject: Re: Extracting audio from iTunes video\par


do you have audacity or similar audio rec/edit software???\par

basically get a jack stereo to jack stereo cable connect the line in to the headphone/line out, set itunes ready for play\par

start audacity set to record from line in & start recording, change windows & click play on itunes, during the play/record session you can go back to audacity & watch recording levels also the wave appearing in the window\par

after stopping the recording in audacity edit end & start & export entire file to what ever you need (wave,aiff,mp3) or may be you find software that records directly from any source in the computer (w/o cable)\par

you need a jack double adapter if you want to listen as well during recording\par

good luck   James\par


SAD Technic\par

Video Productions, Electronic repairs\par

U3 / 6 Chalkley Pl\par

Bayswater WA 6053\par

+618 9370 5307,+618 6262 5707, 0414 421 132\par


skype: barleeway\par

over 40 years in electronics\par



On 25/11/2009, at 15:13, rb...@iinet.net.au wrote:\par











Our dance teacher bought a video clip from itunes.\par


She wants to extract the audio from it to use in a dance production as mp3.\par


Unfortunately the files is in a "protected format" and we don't seem to be having any luck with iMovieHD or FCP.\par


Due to OS upgrade i don't seem to have QT Pro any more.\par


Any ideas please?\par


many thanks\par














  _____  \par



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