Hi all,
Tiffany and I (and our little one) will be there - speaking as a meatatarian, the steak is always far too deluxe to miss and the location is to die for. (Are you getting the meat again Mac?)

Also, I reckon name tags would be a great idea this year so those of us who haven't been to a meeting recently can put names to faces. (and those of us who have shocking memories for names can also be helped) ;-)

Unless someone else has a stash of name tags, I might have some stick- on ones and a pen to bring.


Martin Hill
homepages: http://web.mac.com/mart_hill
Mb: 0401-103-194  hm: (08)9314-5242

On 24/11/2009, at 11:10 PM, Pete Smith wrote:


I'll bet you'll have a burning desire to plug this into your iCal.

The Annual WAMUG Christmas Barbecue will be held at 12:00 noon on Sunday, 13th December 2009 in the grounds of the old Heathcote Hospital.

Click the following link to locate the venue in Google Maps:

<http://maps.google.com.au/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=heathcote+hospital+applecross&sll=-25.335448,135.745076&sspn=63.276794,93.164063&ie=UTF8&ll=-32.006366,115.848513&spn=0.015121,0.022745&z=16 >

Streetsmart map ref: 402 D4

All offers of help with the preparation will be most welcome.

All meat, condiments and soft drinks will be provided, but please let us know by Friday, 4 December if you intend to come along so we can get an idea of numbers. This will help immensely in estimating quantities. Entry is free to all WAMUG members, but a gold-coin donation by non-members would be welcome.


Pete Smith

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