Hi Pedro, I wonder if your wife's POP3 email account is set up to 'remove from 
server' on her Windows PC. Therefore, the inbox on the server keeps getting 
emptied, and because the IMAP account sets the computer inbox to sync with the 
server inbox, the messages on the IMAP account keep 'disappearing'.

Its possible to set up the Windows email account to leave the messages on the 
server, just as it is in Apple Mail. Its a matter of ticking a particular box 
in the  setup. You can modify the email account at any time. So, you can have 
both POP3 and IMAP accounts accessing the same inbox on the remote server 
(iinet). Again, this is something I have done myself, so know its possible.

If you think of the IMAP folders on your computer as being 'mirrors' of the 
inbox on the remote server (at iinet), then its logical that if the messages 
are being removed after being downloaded to the Windows computer that they will 
be removed from your local inbox.

Could this be what is happening?

cheers, Susan.

On 12/12/2009, at 6:47 PM, Pedro wrote:

> Hi Susan and Pete
> I tried your idea Susan late last night when I got home and it set easy and 
> worked fine except I couldn't get messages to stay in the inbox.
> After a lot of reading today and a few experiments I worked out it is not 
> recommended to mix imap and a pop account.
> So,  until she finishes dealing with her overseas contacts in a few weeks she 
> will be using the PC.
> I will be following your recommendations though and setting up the iMac with 
> an imap account as she will need to access email from two separate computers 
> if the 
> new MacBook Pro arrives under the tree in time for Christmas. I also found a 
> friendly ear at iinet that said I could set it up that way with no problems
> I hope everyone has a good time tomorrow at the annual Christmas get together 
> and manages to stay out of the heat (don't forget the sun screen) 
> I will be thinking of you all as I sweat over a hot paint desk at work
> regards
> Pedro
> On 11/12/2009, at 9:41 PM, Susan Hastings wrote:
> Hi Pedro, I have the following settings in Mail on my MacBook (and other 
> Macs):
> To set up I go to Prefences, add a new email account, then choose IMAP 
> instead of POP3, and give my username, password and set the server setting as 
> below.
> incoming server: smtp.iinet.net.au
> Outgoing server: smtp.iinet.net.au
> Its no more difficult than setting up a new POP3 account, just the servers 
> are different.
> cheers, Susan.
> On 11/12/2009, at 5:15 PM, Pedro wrote:
> Hi Susan
> It was iinet that told me. I guess you can't believe everything you hear from 
> tech support. I shall have to do some more digging to see how it works
> Thanks for that
> Cheers
> Pedro 
> From the iPhone 
> On 11/12/2009, at 16:33, Susan Hastings <susanhasti...@me.com> wrote:
> Hi Pedro, I'm using iinet's IMAP for my emails on a daily basis. I wonder who 
> told you that IMAP was unavailable. regards, Susan.
> On 11/12/2009, at 10:51 AM, Pedro wrote:
> Hi Susan
> It appears iinet will only support pop3 accounts so she is stuck with the PC
> until she finishes the work she doing. In the mean time I get the glorious 
> 27" screen 
> to myself for awhile.  
> cheers
> Pedro
> G'day Pedro.
> I've still still got my old PC and use it quite regularly for dedicated 
> Windows thingys. It's also good for getting the heart pumping under higher 
> blood pressure and exercising the vocal chords plus plenty of quiet time 
> waiting, waiting, waiting...
> Anyhow, both still receive email. My iMac is set to delete from the server 
> after 1 day whilst my PC is still set to delete immediately (must change that 
> one day!)
> I go through Mailwasher on the PC to scan emails and sort junk, etc before it 
> opens up Outlook and downloads what I want. Any email downloads will only 
> happen when I hit the "Send/Receive" button (or whatever it's called). I've 
> always had this setup. When I first got my iMac last year, I downloaded 
> emails to both. The iMac is set to automatically download from my main 
> account (and delete from the server after 1 day) and manually from both my 
> email accounts. The PC is still set to download manually but deletes from the 
> server immediately.
> Having said that, I haven't used the PC to download email for ages. However, 
> it's a good emergency tool (which I may be using next week when my iMac is 
> going to be looked at for possible repair - thank goodness for Applecare -- 
> they are very helpful, spent over two hours on the phone with them today - 
> but that's another story).
> So in summary answer to your question. My PC and iMac do it so it is possible.
> Oh, and my email is POP with Internode.
> Enjoy the new 27".
> Pete Smith 
> On 11/12/2009, at 6:06 AM, Susan Hastings wrote:
> Hi Pedro, when setting up your email account, you go to the Advanced tab and 
> check 'leave messages on server'. This means that the messages stay on your 
> server and can be downloaded to any computer you are using. Even if you 
> delete items on a particular mac, they are still on the server and the other 
> Macs.
> or
> you can set up the iinet account as an IMAP account, rather than POP, and 
> this means the inbox syncs with your Macs. In this case, deleting an email on 
> one Mac will delete it from all your Macs when you connect to the server. 
> Check the iinet site for details on setting up the IMAP settings, its very 
> simple.
> cheers, Susan.
> On 10/12/2009, at 11:21 PM, Pedro wrote:
> Evening all
> I am currently transferring all the information and data from my darling 
> other half's ageing PC to our new
> 27" iMac (thank you Daniel Kerr) and would like to set up her mail account 
> which is through iinet (pop3)
> Is it possible to  receive mail on the iMac while still receiving mail on the 
> PC as is the case with my MacBook and iPhone
> Mail from iinet goes to both my MacBook and to my iPhone
> Thanks in advance
> Pedro
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