Hi Ronni,

No, I was only working in "Photos", don't have any smart albums.



On 17/12/2009, at 1:02 , Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Walter,
> You were not trying to delete the photos from a Smart Album or a regular 
> Album were you?
> You can't delete a photo from a Smart Album or regular album, but you can 
> from Events or Photos. 
> You can only remove a photo from an album, but not delete from there.
> When you delete a photo, because it is still technically in the library until 
> you empty the trash, the map marker remains 
> (in case you change you mind and undelete the photo).
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 17/12/2009, at 12:02 PM, F.W. Hänel wrote:
>> Thanks Ronni,
>> I tried to trash the photos within iPhoto >Photos >pull down menu  >Move to 
>> trash - not in the home pictures folder.
>> I thought the previous iPhoto version let me remove photos including 
>> thumbnails in one step, but maybe I'm wrong.
>> Have emptied the iPhoto trash can now and the thumbnails are gone as well.
>> Thanks again Ronni,
>> Cheers,
>> Walter
>> On 17/12/2009, at 8:09 , Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> On 16/12/2009, at 10:40 PM, F.W. Hänel wrote:
>>>> Hello group,
>>>> after trashing thumbnails (photos) the thumbnail is still showing but can 
>>>> no longer be opened. 
>>>> When I try again to trash it the option of "Move to trash" is no longer 
>>>> available.
>>>> After shutting down iPhoto and opening it again the previously deleted 
>>>> photo can now be opened
>>>> again by double clicking on the thumbnail.
>>>> Using Intel iMac 10.6.2 and iPhoto 09 (8.1.1)
>>>> Have already rebuilt iPhoto library - but no difference.
>>>> Any thoughts ?
>>> Hi Walter,
>>> Do you mean you deleted photos from within iPhoto Application Library, by 
>>> selecting the photos, then under "Photos" > Move to Trash & then under 
>>> iPhoto > Empty Trash? ... not from the iPhoto Library in your Home > 
>>> Pictures folder?
>>> The only way to delete photos in iPhoto is to delete them in iPhoto and 
>>> when you do and empty the iPhoto trash the photo is totally removed from 
>>> the iPhoto  - the original, the thumbnail and the modified version if there 
>>> is one.
>>> Is this NOT happening, the Photos are NOT actually deleting?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> 17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
>>> 2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
>>> OS X 10.6.2 Snow Leopard
>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
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