Hi Graeme,

Please see 
 for more info on how to start your scan.

And read through here: 

On 17/12/2009, at 4:18 PM, Graeme Winters wrote:

> I too have the IMAC 27 purchased December 09 and while I can print and copy I 
> cannot scan. Printer is an HP 5380 All in one
> Graeme
> IMAc 27
> 3.06 GHz
> OS X 10.6.2
> On 17/12/2009, at 9:02 PM, Pedro wrote:
>> On 16/12/2009, at 11:05 PM, Stephen Chape wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> A few months ago when I updated Mac OS (I think it was OSX 10.6) my older 
>>> HP multifuction printer would no longer work. I got a list of printers that 
>>> would work with OSX 10.6 from the HP website and shot down to Harvey 
>>> Norman. Got myself an HP C4480 All In One.
>>> It printed and copied fine, but would not scan.
>>> I have emailed HP numerous times regarding this and also downloaded all the 
>>> updates.
>>> However I still have a printer that cannot scan.
>>> I have decided to cut my losses and make another purchase.
>>> Can anyone please recommend one up to $120 that works totally with the 
>>> latest OSX ?
>>> I am happy to change brands if necessary (although I would prefer HP or 
>>> Canon)
>>> Regards,
>>> Stephen Chape
>> Hi Stephan
>> I'm not sure if this will help your current situation but I bought a 
>> inexpensive HP all in one awhile back and was using
>> it on my MacBook using the included software.  For the price it worked fine 
>> although the software was a little flakey and not very user friendly.
>> When Snow Leopard was being released all the guru's on the list advised 
>> everyone to clean out their computers and do a little house work. One of the 
>> programmes  
>> that was not supported was the HP printer so I uninstalled the driver and 
>> waited until HP undated it. 
>> Once it was announced all their current printers were updated all I did was 
>> plug the printer into the usb port and OSX did the rest. It advised me that 
>> new software was 
>> available and I downloaded it and haven't looked back. It now prints and 
>> scans better than ever and it is all done through System Preferences 
>> Hope this helps
>> cheers
>> Pedro    

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