Hi you can still get a 13" MacBook with FireWire, but not the cheap white one. This 13" is called a MacBook pro as it's aluminium.

Susan Hastings
Mobile: 0409688004

On 16/03/2010, at 7:45 AM, KEVIN Lock <kal...@iinet.net.au> wrote:

Our daughter recently bought a MacBook without firewire. To get all her data from her iBook to the new MacBook is no longer a simple process...or is it?


Thanks Peter C, Peter H and Eugene
I am glad senility has not yet destroyed my reading faculties.
Shall look at the MacBook pro offerings.

Eugene wrote:
The firewire port was removed from the latest unibody plastic MacBooks.

The low end MacBook Pro has firewire 800 plus SD card reader.


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On 16/03/2010, at 7:31 AM, Merv Bond wrote:

My daughter-in-law wishes to purchase a laptop.
Looking at the MacBook specifications I can't see a firewire port.
Am I not reading too well?
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