Hi Wendy,

Have a look at this link :

In theory any wireless communications are disabled in this mode, but that 
doesn't mean this has been accepted by all the authorities. 

From a physics perspective radio waves penetration is not causing significant 


Mobile telephones

Main article: Mobile phone radiation and health
Mobile phone radiation and health concerns have been raised, especially 
following the enormous increase in the use of wireless mobile telephony 
throughout the world (as of August 2005, there were more than 2 billion users 
worldwide).Mobile phones use electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range, 
and some[35] believe this may be harmful to human health. These concerns have 
induced a large body of research (both epidemiological and experimental, in 
non-human animals as well as in humans). Concerns about effects on health have 
also been raised regarding other digital wireless systems, such as data 
communication networks.
The World Health Organization, based upon the consensus view of the scientific 
and medical communities, states that health effects (e.g. headaches or 
promotion of cancer) are unlikely to be caused by cellular phones or their base 
stations,[36][37] and expects to make recommendations about mobile phones in 
October 2009.[38]
Taken from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_radiation_and_health

Besides this, your question raises some interesting issues. If there were 
health reasons sufficient enough for the government to force use to switch our 
phones off, then surely phones are not save and as such should be made illegal. 
If on the other hand they are save then why are they worried. My feeling is 
that the truth is somewhere in between. Personally I like to use my earphones 
when possible to give a little bit of distance between my head and the phones 

It wouldn't surprise me at all if in 20 years time they come up with 
irrefutable evidence that mobile phone radiation is harmful to ones health. Not 
that long ago Radium was included in all kinds of beauty products 

Quite a lot of people who are smarter then me had a look at this and haven't 
come up with conclusive evidence sufficient enough to convince the government 
of the possible risks involved. In the end you have to make up your own mind 
what and who you believe. Also bear in mind just because you switch your phone 
off, there is still the rest of us who haven't.

Have fun

On 15 Apr 2010, at 23:07, Wendy S. Austin wrote:

> Good morning all
> There has been some 'discussion' at work about leaving phones in the 
> 'Airplane Mode'.   According to the health and safety people (Australian 
> Government Department), even when phones are in that mode, dangerous things 
> can happen to people using headset telephones should a call come in.    This 
> seems illogical to me as I thought once the phone was in 'Airplane Mode' the 
> telephone part of the phone was turned off completely thereby making it just 
> an iPod sort of thing, if you get my drift.
> I have done some searching on the internet about this but can't seem to find 
> any answers.   Does anyone here have any knowledge about it?    At the moment 
> we are required to turn our phones off completely when in any area where 
> headsets are used, not allowed to put it into 'Airplane Mode'.
> With thanks.
> Wendy
> in Hobart
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