I have a cd of which about 7 out of 100 tracks play on my Apple. The tracks
are wav format. I have latest version of windows media player, flip for mac,
QuickTime pro, QuickTime 7 and Perian installed. OS is 10.6.4. I have had
trouble getting the cd to play on Windows computers, but have succeeded on
two that have Windows 7 installed.

I'm reluctant to install Windows OS and software on the hard drive of my 17"
MacBook Pro. Can it be installed on an external hard-drive, and (assuming
the cd works) will I be able to listen to it by putting it in the dvd slot
on my MacBook and using Windows on the external drive?

Regards and thanks in anticipation,

Michael Hawkins
MacBook Pro
OS 10.6.4
2.4 GHz core 2 Duo

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