On 13/12/2010, at 5:43 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 13/12/2010, at 5:12 PM, Brian Scott wrote:


For the Finder windows,

Command W works for the red close button

Command M works for the yellow button

Is there a keyboard short-cut for the green button?

Hi Brian,

There isn't a shortcut for "Maximise" as there is no Maximise function in Mac OS--never has been.

You can create a shortcut for "Zoom" by using the Keyboard Shortcuts pane of the Keyboard System Preferences. Add a new Shortcut, set it for all applications, type "Zoom" into the Menu Title field, and pick a key combination.

I think you have to quit an restart any open applications, but that may have been fixed.


Thanks Ronni.

That worked fine.


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