Some practical experience please!

I'm  coordinating a multi-purpose display marquee at Rotary's Duck Derby in March and hope to include an AV setup from a McBook Pro, because of its versatility.

I'd thought of using a video projector onto the side of a white poly-canvas marquee as an internal screen, or even possibly through a canvas as back projection, so that it could be seen outside. (Lugging along a large monitor is much less attractive.)

Has anyone tried anything similar? How successful was it?  What sort of projector might be best?  

My experience with early projectors was that they had problems with ambient light even indoors, but I'm told they are much improved.

Thanks (in hope!)


~~~~~~~{~~~~~@     Warwick Smith
~~~~~~~{~~~~~@     E:
~~~~~~~{~~~~~@     M: 0419 967 628

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