Hi Steven,

On 21/02/2011, at 4:01 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

> I have a MacBook Pro running 10.6.6 backing up to a 1GB TC (running software 
> version 7.5.2).

I guess you mean a 1TB Time Capsule ;-)
> Suddenly the backing up process has slowed to an absolute crawl, even when 
> connected via ethernet. I've rebooted the TC a few times, no improvement.

A) Did you have a ‘failed backup’ just prior to this slowing down?

The first backup after one that failed or was cancelled may appear to be 
running very slowly, while Time Machine "recovers" the partial "in.Progress" 
file from the previous one.  
Give it a long time before deciding there's a problem.

B) The first backup after removing certain exclusions, especially System 
Folders and/or Applications, can appear to be extremely slow, as they involve 
tens of thousands of mostly very small files.  
It may also seem to report that it’s reached the amount to be backed-up, but 
then the amount will increase (often very slowly).

C) Did you notice if Spotlight was indexing when the slowdowns started?
Exclude it from Spotlight, via System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy.
Spotlight might decide to start indexing the backup volume while the backup is 
in progress, causing a huge slowdown in backup speed (doubling or even 
quadrupling the required time, not to mention sucking up CPU time).

The solution? Exclude all backup volumes, and remember that after erasing a 
drive, you’ll have to re-exclude it; Spotlight has the temerity to forget about 
the excluded volume once it’s erased, even if the name remains the same.

D) If you’re using the Directory Protection feature of Tech Tool Pro, exclude 
your Time Machine volume from it. 
It can slow your backups down significantly, and it won’t help fix a problem 
there, anyway. 
In addition, you probably want to exclude its files from Time Machine backups, 
as they may cause large backups.

> The TC has 270GB of space available, so I don't see that as an issue.
> Any suggestions as to what the cause of slowness might be? Trying to avoid a 
> full reformat of the TC if I can.


17" MacBook Pro  Intel Core i7
2.66GHz / 8GB / 1067 MHz DDR3 / 500GB Serial ATA Drive @ 7200rpm

OS X 10.6.6 Snow Leopard
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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