Hello Kevin,

Your sister could try neal.IT - as a former resident of Esperance I remember 
they're the only ones in town who deal with Apple products. This may have 
changed since I left but I think it's the best help locally available. There 
is, unfortunately, a severe shortage of decent IT support in Esperance.


Good luck 


On 14/03/2011, at 9:24 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Kevin,
> Type your sister's phone number in here, I'm fairly sure that Westnet have 
> Broadband in Esperance. iiNet as well I would imagine.
> <http://www.westnet.com.au/broadband/plans.html>
> Sent from Ronni's iPad
> On 14/03/2011, at 9:05 PM, Merv Bond <m...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>> Hi Kevin
>> I have a nephew in Esperance but he runs a PC. He uses bigpond - so help 
>> might be available from bigpond.
>> Merv
>> On Mon14Mar2011 Mon14Mar5:23 PM, Kevin wrote:
>>> I have just given my sister an iBook. She lives in Esperance.
>>> Is there a Mac-friendly ISP in Esperance or someone on the list who can
>>> help my completely computer-illiterate sister get connected with a USB
>>> modem connection?
>>> TIA
>>> Kevin
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