Chris, I have this issue with Mail also when it comes to single-page image 
files. I'm not sure why, but a couple of workarounds:

Right-click and Compress the image file, ie. convert to a zip file, before 
attaching. This usually works, although there's a chance that the recipient's 
mail filters treat the zip file as suspicious. Some corporates don't allow 
incoming zip files at all.

If sending a single page image file in a format which does handle multiple 
pages, such as pdf of tiff, add a blank page (Preview can handle this) so that 
you send a two-page document to the recipient.

Happy to hear of easier workarounds and some insight into the underlying cause.

Cheers, Steven

On 05/04/2011, at 6:48 PM, Chris Burton wrote:

> Hi all
> I have been trying to send a normal jpg image using Mail to a client of mine 
> who says she just cant access it. She asks me to Attach it rather than have 
> it 'imbedded' in the email she receives? I have had this complaint before and 
> it is always to a windows PC. Im  not sure what to do here? If I convert it 
> to a pdf it usually works, but a plain jpeg it doesnt?
> Can someone please advise me on this?
> Kindest regards
> Chris

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