Do you have any recommendations for text-recognition software that will run 
natively on a 64-bit Intel Mac? If so, please let me know. I need such an 
application to convert standard scanned images to text files.

Currently I have OmniPage SE that came as a freebie when G5s were 
top-of-the-wozza, but am getting ready for MacOS 10.7, which apparently will no 
longer support PowerPC-only applications. Unfortunately, OmniPage SE is a 
Power-PC only application. The current OmniPage website has no information 
about any version of OmniPage for MacOS 10. It seems that they now only support 

I do realise that one solution would be to have two disk partitions; one with 
MacOS 10.7, and one with MacOS 10.6, and booting to the older one when I want 
to run legacy applications. However, it would be nice to avoid such 


Ray Forma
Mob +61 (0) 428 596938

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