> The other thing to note is that while some installers will allow you to 
> specify a location for the App at installation time, the vast majority do 
> not. Usually, they just install to the Applications folder, but there is 
> usually nothing to prevent you from moving the Application to a different 
> location once it is installed. Very few Applications prevent this, and if the 
> App does not use an installer at all, you can put it pretty much anywhere you 
> like.
> There is no way to attach a description to an App in the way you describe, 
> but there's nothing to stop you from creating a small text file containing 
> the information you want and storing in the same location as your 
> Application, and giving it the same filename (eg, you would have two files: 
> Cyberduck.app and Cyberduck.txt). They would always show up next to each 
> other in the list view of your Dock-based Applications folder.

Thanks for the tips Peter.

Do you find automated updates such as via MacUpdate replace the app in
it's new place, or does it default to the top level of the App folder?

Maybe the idea of a pop up descriptor when mouse hover over app - such
as a preview view - is something for a developer to play with.


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