On 08/09/2011, at 7:23 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

> On 07/09/2011, at 12:22 PM, tom samson wrote:
>> God! That was it the command key. I tried everything else- I was sure I did 
>> that. A number one geeidiot am I. You never cease to amaze me.
>> tom
> Bear in mind that the command key trick only works with Apple's own menu 
> items, such as Time Machine, Bluetooth, Displays, etc. It does not work with 
> third party items, such as Text Expander, DropBox, iStat Menus, or the myriad 
> of others put there by the various applications you install.

Hi Peter,

I don’t like to disagree with you Mr President ;-) ; but the Command-key does 
work on ‘some' third party items in the Menu Bar, in this instance the 
Command-key works to move the iStat Menus in Snow Leopard & Lion.

Command-key dragging doesn’t always work: You can’t move or remove the 
Spotlight icon because it isn’t really a status menu; it’s a system menu, like 
the  menu at the other end of the menu bar.
Some status menus created by third-party software don’t respond to the Command 


17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard 
OS X 10.7 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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