Hi Ian,

Apple puts out a document called the "Human Interface Guidelines", or HIG for 
short. It has rules that all interface developers must follow. When it comes to 
toolbar icons there is a very short list of standard icons that are provided in 
the development kit and the rest are created by individual developers. The HIG 
does place restrictions on the size of the icons, and the format and contrast 
of the images, but each developer that produces an app is pretty much free to 
choose icons. Apple polices all apps and will reject an app that is misleading 
so developers tend to try to make the images suggestive of the task that the 
button will perform.

The main guide in this area is the powerful set of apps produced by Apple 
itself -- Number, Pages, Keynote, iMove, iPod, etc. When developers want an 
idea for an icon they quite often check to see how Apple solved a similar 
problem. So a subset of icons have become de facto standards for particular 

I will put together a list of common icons over the next few days and post back 
to the group when it is done. I would do it now but I have some pressing 
preparation to do for classes on Monday and Tuesday.


On 2011-09-11, at 21:33, Ian Reid wrote:

> Thanks Carlo for the details of Apps mentioned on Tuesday night. I am now 
> hoping that you can also help me with an iPad matter that I have Googled 
> unsuccessfully  - a list of the meanings of the tiny buttons or graphics at 
> the head or foot of iPad screens.
> With advancing age, and unfortunately I join the official demographic group 
> of 'Frail Elderly' in a couple of weeks, short term memory becomes a problem 
> and I stupidly keep forgetting some of them. I would very much like to have a 
> cheat-sheet on my desk.  
> I assume Apple puts out a list of them for developers. Can I access such a 
> list.
> Regards
> Ian

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