Hi Chris,

As you don’t have Quicktime Pro, Stephen has already mentioned iMovie will do 
the job.

If you are using a Canon EOS 7D, it records its movies as MOV files using AVC / 
H.264 compression.
The choice of H.264 comes with the requirement of greater processing power, 
though -- not only from the camera when recording, but also when playing back 
or editing videos. 
The more sophisticated encoding used in the H.264 standard requires quite a bit 
of processor power to pull it apart and put it back together again, so 
frame-accurate editing of H.264 requires a fast processor and capable editing 

In iMovie’09 when importing HD (File > Import > Movies) you have two choices 
for optimizing video format:

FULL - Maintains the best HD video quality but requires large amounts of hard 
disk space and a fast Mac.

LARGE: Optimizes the HD Video to a smaller size, so files use less hard disk 
space and play smoothly on all Macs.

iMovie when optimizing the video will convert the codec that comes out of the 
camera H.264 to AIC (Apple Intermediate Codec) which is better for editing.

There is a video here that might be worth having a look at before you decide 
what codec to use for editing the HD footage.

Canon 7D Video Recording


On 07/10/2011, at 10:27 PM, Stephen Chape wrote:

> Simplest way would be to import all the clips into iMovie,
> then just edit them as single project in the timeline.
> On 07/10/2011, at 5:27 PM, Chris Burton wrote:
>> Hi Muggers
>> Steve's death has been a very sad event but also an uplifting time, with the 
>> huge amount of positive to come from his incredible life. Of the many I have 
>> seen, it was nice to sit in a coffee shop in Dunsborough and read a very 
>> good 2 page article in today's Fin Review.
>> I have just recently taken some HD video with my Canon D7 camera. After 
>> downloading the CF Card I have 12 seperate little movies that are showing 
>> the Quicktime icon, and I am not sure what is the best way to combine them 
>> into one movie, with some editing. 
>> I assume QT Pro would provide this ability but I dont have it. I have Snow 
>> Leopard on my laptop with iMovie 9.0.4 and thought that this would be a good 
>> alternative, but havnt used it for years.
>> Can someone please advise what is a good way to go, that provides some ease 
>> of use and a not-to-steep learning curve as I need to have something for 
>> tomorrow?
>> My sincere regards and thanks for any advice.
>> Chris
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> Regards,
> Stephen Chape

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