Hi Ronni

Thanks for this. i'm a long way from doing this (yet to trial Lion) but have 
updated to iOS5 on my iPhone 4. That gave me some grief as it asked for a 
security password to restore on the iPhone, which I couldn't remember for a 
long time. Now i'm planning to do the same on my iPad (1). Any tips re this 
password matter? Were you asked for one? I must have one for the iPad but 
seriously don't know what it is. Is there a way of finding it? Certainly it 
didn't appear in Keychain Access.


Reg Whitely

Home: 08 9921 7272
Mob: 04 8899 7313
Email: rwhit...@internode.on.net

On 15/10/2011, at 3:27 pm, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Rod,
> Well, at last I’ve done it! I’ve installed Lion OS X 10.7.2 on my MacBook Pro 
> (have erased Lion on the FW external drive I had it installed on for testing 
> purposes).
> I’ve completed updating my devices to iOS5 v5.0 this morning; iPad & iPhone 
> 4S-teve.
> The iOS5 is 700.3MB in size, it downloaded on my Network (which isn’t that 
> fast) in 20mins.
> iTunes backups the devices first before installing the update iOS5 (as 
> normal).
> iTunes then Restores the software on the device & restores to Factory 
> Settings,  and then Restores  the device from the Backup (which is already 
> selected).
> Restores the apps, restores music & videos etc.
> Then it Syncs the iPad / iPhone
> After you eject the iPad / iPhone from iTunes and disconnect it from your 
> Mac, there are a few steps to go through on the iPad / iPhone and then you 
> receive a message “You are ready to start using the most advanced iOS ever” 
> It is all very well documented, just follow the instructions. All up took 
> about 1hr 20mins.
> I then decided to ‘Bite The Bullet’ and ‘Move my MobileMe Account over to 
> iCloud’.
> First on the Mac (MBP) You get a warning to have a backup of your Contacts, 
> Calendars & Bookmarks before moving.
> Again follow the instructions and you should not have any problems (again 
> ‘Read Everything’, don’t rush)
> Eventually you receive this message “Your iCloud Account has been Created. 
> Now, Set up your Devices”
> It continues and shows you the messages you will receive on your iPad / 
> iPhone / iPod Touch
> Tap OK on this alert on each iPhone, iPad, & iPod Touch;
> “Complete Your Move to iCloud”
> Click OK on this dialog on each Mac & PC
> “Complete your move to iCloud"
> Don’t miss any instruction, and don’t rush, read everything so you know what 
> to expect.
> I’ve checked that Mail & Notes, Contacts, Calendars, Bookmarks  are syncing 
> to all devices.
> All went well for me Rod … no dramas … so far ;-)
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
> OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard 
> OS X 10.7 Lion
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
> On 15/10/2011, at 6:47 AM, Rod Blitvich wrote:
>> Thanks Daniel and Peter
>> Common sense prevails.
>> I shall:
>> ensure i have a complete up to date backup
>> wait a few days
>> then think about doing it
>> But i guess i have to consider whether home iMac and work macbook should go 
>> to Lion first?????
>> New macbook air is Lion, so i'm kind of tapped in limbo here.
>> ta
>> Blitto
>> Rod Blitvich  - Amy & Sam’s Dad
>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
>> 0409 681 256  
>> rb...@iinet.net.au 
>> http://web.me.com/blitto
>> A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those from?
>> On 13/10/2011, at 4:40 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>> Hi Rod
>>> My personal preference with some of these "new upgrades"  is to give it a 
>>> few days to "Settle in".That way you can see what (if any) problems people 
>>> are having, and work arounds.
>>> Also, if it's your main machine you don't want to be without things "just 
>>> incase".
>>> If you have a good backup and happy to jump in as an early adopter, then go 
>>> for it...hehe :)
>>> For me, I'm not installing either at the moment. But that's due to a) still 
>>> running my main machine in 10.6.8 not Lion and if I change to iCloud to 
>>> test then MobileMe won't (or probably  won't) work anymore on my main 
>>> laptop for work b) don't have the time to sit and play or trouble shoot if 
>>> something should go wrong c) I like to read and see first and d) my iPhone 
>>> 3Gs isn't working too well as it is, I don't want to push it over the edge. 
>>> I'll wait to I get a new iPhone 4s (hopefully tomorrow). :o)
>>> Then next week,..it might be a different story,...hehe.
>>> I'm sure it will all be fine, but I prefer to be a bit more cautious on day 
>>> one. Others may have different opinions,...but each to their own :))
>>> Most days I run out of time for everything I have to do, let alone things 
>>> I'd like to do,..so sometimes that's more the reason I don't upgrade 
>>> straight away,..lol.
>>> Plus I like to read all the interesting problems and work arounds first :))
>>> Hope that sort of helps.
>>> In then end,.. your call :)))
>>> hehehe
>>> Kind regards
>>> Daniel
>>> On 13/10/2011, at 4:09 PM, Rod Blitvich wrote:
>>>> So Daniel
>>>> Should we "hold off" on iCloud and IOS 5?
>>>> Or ok to go for it?
>>>> ta
>>>> Blitto
>>>> Rod Blitvich 
>>>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
>>>> 0409 681 256  
>>>> rb...@iinet.net.au 
>>>> http://web.me.com/blitto
>>>> On 13/10/2011, at 1:34 AM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>>>> Hi All
>>>>> For those who have been waiting, the above is now out...
>>>>> iOS5 can be found via iTunes when your iDevice is plugged in.
>>>>> <http://www.macrumors.com/2011/10/12/apple-releases-ios-5-with-notification-center-imessage-twitter-and-more/>
>>>>> And Lion 10.7.2 with iCloud Support is now available:-
>>>>> <http://www.macrumors.com/2011/10/12/apple-releases-os-x-10-7-2-with-icloud-support/>
>>>>> Want iCloud for anything bar Lion,...sorry, nope. :o( Oh well,... nothing 
>>>>> for 10.6.x (yet? - here's hoping).
>>>>> Enjoy
>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>> Daniel
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Daniel Kerr
>>>>> MacWizardry
>>>>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>>>>> Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>>>>> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
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