Hi Michael,

Have a look at ‘PhoneDirector 1.5.1  for Apple Mac OS X and Nokia 6230, 6230i, 
6233, 6234, 6300, 6500, 6700 classic, 7280, 7380, 8600, 8800
I don’t know if it will help you sync though?

What is new in this version:

        • Mac OS X 10.7 Lion compatibility
        • minor fixes and improvements


On 16/10/2011, at 4:35 PM, Roger Kortas wrote:

> Hi Daniel, 
> BluePhoneElite used to be excellent but no longer works for me :(  I have not 
> yet found anything to replace it so sad.  The developer is no longer keeping 
> this up to date as he has a full time job I think.
> On 16/10/2011, at 4:12 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>> Hi Michael
>> Nope, I was still using FileMaker 6 for one database and Filemaker 10 for 
>> another. So I decided to move to FileMaker 11 for them both. That was one of 
>> the reasons I didn't upgrade straight away. Hadn't changed the old database 
>> as yet, and wanted to make sure I had the time to fix "anything" that came 
>> out. It transferred ok, bar a few layouts movements which are fairly easily 
>> fixed.
>> So I was still reliant on Rosetta myself. But all fine I think,.. :o)
>> Have a look at BluePhoneElite. It used to be very good for non iPhones. ;o) 
>> Haven't used it for a while, but it should still be good (I think). As 
>> always, yes, lots of backups of everything!
>> Once you have it all into Address Book and iCal then you can move it to 
>> iCloud. Then once new iPhone arrives, set up iCloud on the phone and it will 
>> come back. Easy! ;o))
>> Kind regards
>> Daniel
>> ---
>> Daniel Kerr
>> MacWizardry
>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>> Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>> **For everything Macintosh**
>> On 16/10/2011, at 3:35 PM, Michael Hawkins wrote:
>>> Hi Daniel,
>>> You've probably moved along since Rosseta was needed, but I still had some
>>> old software installed on my MacBook Pro when I installed Lion. The
>>> ancient software didn't cause any problems, but when I got around to
>>> removing the old software Lion sped up considerably.
>>> Now to learn how to synchronise contacts between my Nokia E63 and MacBook
>>> Pro ... or perhaps I'll wait until my iPhone 4S arrives this week and back
>>> up the contents of my Nokia and back up my MacBook Pro before I try to
>>> synchronise my iPhone with my Nokia and them y MacBook Pro. The last time
>>> I tried to synchronise phone and computer was about 6 years ago and I
>>> found that I lost every contact which was on the phone but not on my
>>> computer.
>>> Any tips would be very welcome.
>>> Regards,
>>> Michael Hawkins
>>> 17" MacBook Pro 
>>> 2.4 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo
>>> 6 GB 667 Mhz DDR2 SDRAM
>>> OS 10.7.1
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Daniel Kerr <wa...@macwizardry.com.au>
>>> Reply-To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
>>> Date: Sun, 16 Oct 2011 13:32:06 +0800
>>> To: WAMUG Mailing List <wamug@wamug.org.au>
>>> Subject: Re: iOS5 and Lion 10.7.2 with iCloud Support now available.
>>>> hi Rod
>>>> Just to follow on from this.
>>>> I (like Ronni) took the plunge this weekend and upgraded my laptop to
>>>> 10.7. (Well, not really upgraded. I cloned it to another partition on my
>>>> laptop then did a clean install from scratch and reinstalled all my
>>>> updates and apps. Took a bit longer, but I like to do it that way) :o)
>>>> I then set up my new iPhone 4s and upgraded to iCloud.
>>>> Everything went to plan. Bar something strange with my Desktop folder
>>>> that wouldn't let me open zip files to it. A repair of permissions fixed
>>>> that it seemed.
>>>> I then did the same to my MacPro. Erased and installed the Main drive and
>>>> set everything up from scratch on that. Installed all the updates and
>>>> Apps and then set iCloud up on it.
>>>> So all three devices (MacBookPro, MacPro and iPhone 4s) seem to be
>>>> working fine. I haven't done the iPad2 yet,..its still in the box.
>>>> I ran the little hack to make the Finder colours come back,..makes things
>>>> a lot easier to see (for me I find).
>>>> If only I could do the same with Mail.
>>>> Apart from that. all going well, and I'm just doing the "fine tuning"
>>>> parts now. :)
>>>> Even running 3 computers  and 2 iPhones I found I was still sitting
>>>> around waiting for things to finish copying, reinstalling, updating etc.
>>>> Lol. Mind you, I was doing other work at the same time,.so at least lots
>>>> was getting done. I would have got more finished last night but my little
>>>> one woke up at 2.30am with the wind/rain,..so had to go settle him which
>>>> meant lying down. Still,. he woke at 7am,Šlol. So wasn't that much of a
>>>> break away from it,Šlol. ;))
>>>> Now to just get a couple more things fine turned and I might think about
>>>> doing the iPad2Šlol.
>>>> Hope that sort of helps :)
>>>> Kind regards
>>>> Daniel
>>>> ---
>>>> Daniel Kerr
>>>> MacWizardry
>>>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>>>> Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>>>> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>>>> **For everything Macintosh**
>>>> On 15/10/2011, at 6:47 AM, Rod Blitvich wrote:
>>>>> Thanks Daniel and Peter
>>>>> Common sense prevails.
>>>>> I shall:
>>>>> ensure i have a complete up to date backup
>>>>> wait a few days
>>>>> then think about doing it
>>>>> But i guess i have to consider whether home iMac and work macbook
>>>>> should go to Lion first?????
>>>>> New macbook air is Lion, so i'm kind of tapped in limbo here.
>>>>> ta
>>>>> Blitto
>>>>> Rod Blitvich  - Amy & Sam¹s Dad
>>>>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>>>>> 0409 681 256  
>>>>> rb...@iinet.net.au
>>>>> http://web.me.com/blitto
>>>>> A Life? Cool! Where can I download one of those from?
>>>>> On 13/10/2011, at 4:40 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Rod
>>>>>> My personal preference with some of these "new upgrades"  is to give
>>>>>> it a few days to "Settle in".That way you can see what (if any)
>>>>>> problems people are having, and work arounds.
>>>>>> Also, if it's your main machine you don't want to be without things
>>>>>> "just incase".
>>>>>> If you have a good backup and happy to jump in as an early adopter,
>>>>>> then go for it...hehe :)
>>>>>> For me, I'm not installing either at the moment. But that's due to a)
>>>>>> still running my main machine in 10.6.8 not Lion and if I change to
>>>>>> iCloud to test then MobileMe won't (or probably  won't) work anymore on
>>>>>> my main laptop for work b) don't have the time to sit and play or
>>>>>> trouble shoot if something should go wrong c) I like to read and see
>>>>>> first and d) my iPhone 3Gs isn't working too well as it is, I don't
>>>>>> want to push it over the edge. I'll wait to I get a new iPhone 4s
>>>>>> (hopefully tomorrow). :o)
>>>>>> Then next week,..it might be a different story,...hehe.
>>>>>> I'm sure it will all be fine, but I prefer to be a bit more cautious
>>>>>> on day one. Others may have different opinions,...but each to their own
>>>>>> :))
>>>>>> Most days I run out of time for everything I have to do, let alone
>>>>>> things I'd like to do,..so sometimes that's more the reason I don't
>>>>>> upgrade straight away,..lol.
>>>>>> Plus I like to read all the interesting problems and work arounds
>>>>>> first :))
>>>>>> Hope that sort of helps.
>>>>>> In then end,.. your call :)))
>>>>>> hehehe
>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>> Daniel
>>>>>> On 13/10/2011, at 4:09 PM, Rod Blitvich wrote:
>>>>>>> So Daniel
>>>>>>> Should we "hold off" on iCloud and IOS 5?
>>>>>>> Or ok to go for it?
>>>>>>> ta
>>>>>>> Blitto
>>>>>>> Rod Blitvich 
>>>>>>> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
>>>>>>> 0409 681 256  
>>>>>>> rb...@iinet.net.au
>>>>>>> http://web.me.com/blitto
>>>>>>> On 13/10/2011, at 1:34 AM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>>>> For those who have been waiting, the above is now out...
>>>>>>>> iOS5 can be found via iTunes when your iDevice is plugged in.
>>>>>>>> <http://www.macrumors.com/2011/10/12/apple-releases-ios-5-with-notific
>>>>>>>> ation-center-imessage-twitter-and-more/>
>>>>>>>> And Lion 10.7.2 with iCloud Support is now available:-
>>>>>>>> <http://www.macrumors.com/2011/10/12/apple-releases-os-x-10-7-2-with-i
>>>>>>>> cloud-support/>
>>>>>>>> Want iCloud for anything bar Lion,...sorry, nope. :o( Oh well,...
>>>>>>>> nothing for 10.6.x (yet? - here's hoping).
>>>>>>>> Enjoy
>>>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>>>> Daniel
>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> Daniel Kerr
>>>>>>>> MacWizardry
>>>>>>>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>>>>>>>> Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>>>>>>>> Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>>>>>>>> **For everything Macintosh**

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