Hi all,

When we recently went overseas, I bought a 1TB portable usb drive for
ongoing back-ups of our MacBook Pro (I already had desktop drive backups at

The MacBook Pro has a nominal 200GB HD and currently shows a capacity of
185.99GB with 136.38 on disk and 49.61GB available.

I would normally keep my clone and TM backup on separate drives - but I only
wanted to cart one additional drive around Europe - so I partitioned the
drive with a 186GB partition (to match the internal drive) for a SuperDuper
clone leaving a 745.07GB partition for ongoing TM back-ups.

The initial TM back-up and SuperDuper clone obviously took some time on a
4200 rpm USB drive - but everything went OK.

On our holidays, I had the TM off and did manual back-ups as I felt was
needed - other than for photo storage the main laptop use was

I had the SuperDuper set as a Smart Update saved script but didn't really
use it much - I don't really remember but I may have run Smart Update once
or twice on the holiday.

So far all is normal and as expected. Now we are back home and I'm back on
my iMac as my main computer. All the holiday stuff I need was synched via
Dropbox anyway so was waiting for me.

However, I have done a little bit of tidying up on the laptop - so I thought
a catchup backup was in order.

The TM backup went smoothly (around 4GB, I think) and a "Get Info" on the TM
partition shows only 121.07 GB used - I do have around 20GB excluded from TM
but it still shows I haven't been doing big changes on the machine.

So, here's the problem/puzzle - I just started the SuperDuper Smart Update
and it is taking forever. The reason is not hard to find - we are up to
around 50GB evaluated 0GB up to date and so 50GB copied. In other words
SuperDuper seems to think that every file needs updating.

Now I'm pretty sure that every file on the computer HASN'T been changes
since the last update and TM obviously doesn't think so or the TM backup
would be MUCH larger - so what gives??!

The only thing that occurred to me was that as we travelled through the
different time zones, the "modified" time/date stamp of the files at the
last update may have been in Europe time around 8 hours behind us? and now
the laptop is on Oz time all the files are 8 hours "newer" than the last

TM is obviously smart enough to cope with all that, but perhaps the
SuperDuper Smart Update isn't (smart enough!).

Anybody have any thoughts or experience with this (SuperDuper smart updates
across time zones) - I did a quick google but nothing obviously relevant
turned up.

Anyway, it's not really a problem - more a puzzle - and I do like to know
WHY  ;o)


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

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