Hi Ronda

Just had time to look at what had happen and it seems that whenI updated the 
iPad2  it linked into iCloud it used my me.com address! I don't remember 
putting that in their.  So as usual you are right :)

Many thanks for taking time to help everyone.


On 24/11/2011, at 10:33 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

> Hi Ken, you’re welcome,
> Good to hear the problem is sorted. 
> As to “Why it happened”? I’m not sure, but I suspect as I mentioned below in 
> reply to Roger perhaps you disconnected the iPad before it had finished 
> syncing and rebooting after installing iOS5 or updates since. Or it could 
> have been a permission problem or ID.
> The "/Users/Shared/SC Info” is related to iTunes as you are now aware of ;-). 
> Specifically it contains an invisible file, SC Info.sidb, the "iTunes 
> database of decryption keys." If you open the Macintosh HD > Users > Shared 
> folder in Finder, you won't see SC Info folder because the "Invisible" file 
> system attribute for that folder has been enabled in order to hide it. 
> If you like using Terminal try:
> ls -al /Users/Shared/SC\ Info/
> Where you'll see the file. 
> If I execute the same ls command this is what I see:
> ronni$ ls -al /Users/Shared/SC\ Info/
> total 408
> drwxrwxrwx@  4 ronni  wheel     136 11 May  2011 .
> drwxrwxrwt  19 root   wheel     646 14 Oct 14:58 ..
> -rw-rw-rw-@  1 ronni  wheel    4492 16 Nov 11:32 SC Info.sidb
> -rw-rw-rw-@  1 ronni  wheel  200356  9 May  2011 SC Info.sidd
> Now, I don’t  profess to understand UNIX … and I only understand half of what 
> I read ;-)
> The data from the ls command provides details about the ownership, 
> permissions, size, etc of that folder (line ending in "."), its enclosing 
> folder (line ending in ".." — the Shared folder), and the file(s) contained 
> in the SC Info folder (line ending in "SC Info.sidb” & “SC Info.sidd).
> The two files "SC Info.sidb” &  "SC Info.sidd" relate to iTunes purchases, 
> and the computer/user's authorisation to play same.
> None of the Apple Developer documents address the specific purpose of the "SC 
> Info.sidb". In investigating this file, and comparing it with the same file 
> on some other Macs, it was found that this file's size is non-zero if one has 
> purchased content from iTMS and a little more digging led to the 
> understanding that this contains descriptor keys, perhaps related to 
> authorizing  (<http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1420>) a Mac to play purchased 
> music.
> The data in the first four columns is explained in Figure 2 of 
> "Troubleshooting permissions issues in Mac OS X”, (just in case link doesn’t 
> work) <http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2963?viewlocale=en_US>   though one also 
> needs to read the earlier part of that document to understand what columns 1, 
> 3, and 4 are about.
> The rest of the columns are explained in the section entitled "The Long 
> Format" of man (UNIX manual) page for the ls (list directory contents) 
> command. (Just in case the Link does not work) 
> <http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/ls.1.html>
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
> OS X 10.7.2 Lion
> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)
> On 23/11/2011, at 8:48 PM, Ken Woods wrote:
>> Agghhhh,
>> Thanks Ronnie, your solution as outlined below seems to fixed the issue.
>> Well Done!
>> As a matter of interest, any idea of the cause - just in case there is a
>> learning curve here?
>> Many thanks for your knowledge and expertise once again.
>> Ken
>> On 23/11/11 3:29 PM, "Ronda Brown" <ro...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Roger,
>>> I¹ve never experienced this problem and I purchase Apps on my iPad and
>>> also in iTunes.
>>> When I connect my iPad to my computer, iTunes Opens and backups iPad then
>>> syncs automatically & I see message  ³Transferring Purchases from Ronda
>>> Brown¹s iPad Š waiting for items to copy².
>>> When you did the update to iOS5 did you do a backup BEFORE installing the
>>> Update and after installation finished, wait until it does a Sync? You
>>> have to let it complete a sync after installing the  iOS Update.
>>> You are definitely sure you have the same ID setup on your iPad and in
>>> iTunes to make purchasesŠ same email address?
>>> Check that the Settings on your iPad App Store (Settings > Store - Apple
>>> ID: x...@xxxx.xxx)  & in iTunes is identical.
>>> In iTunes > Preferences > Store - Automatic Downloads - Apps is checked?
>>> And the same email address as is on your iPad?
>>> If everything is correct and setup correctly, you might need to delete
>>> the SC Info Folder:
>>> 1.  Quit iTunes and any other open applications until only Finder is open.
>>> 2.  Choose Go > Go to Folder.
>>> 3.  Type /Users/Shared/SC Info and click Go. ?
>>> 4.  If Finder is not already set to column view, set it by choosing View >
>>> as Columns. ?
>>> 5.  Select the SC Info folder and move it to the Trash by choosing File >
>>> Move to Trash.
>>> 6.  Restart the computer and open iTunes.
>>> 7.  Authorize your computer
>>> Then connect your iPad and Sync.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 23/11/2011, at 8:09 AM, Roger Kortas wrote:
>>>> Hi Ronni
>>>> I had done this before but did it again this morning with no luck!
>>>> I reset all warnings
>>>> Then when going to transfer I get an error  you are not authorized on
>>>> this computer, But I had already done that many times but authorized it
>>>> again just incase:)
>>>> What I have noticed is the ones that get the error are ones I have
>>>> purchased on the ipad.  Yes the account is the same I only have the one.
>>>> This only happen after the last ipad update.
>>>> many thanks for your time :)
>>>> Roger
>>>> On 23/11/2011, at 5:57 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ken & Roger,
>>>>> Try this:
>>>>> * Right-click by holding down the Control key.
>>>>> * Click on your iPad listed in devices in iTunes.
>>>>> * Click "Reset Warnings" at the bottom of the pop-up menu.
>>>>> * A dialogue box saying "Do you want to transfer some stuff from you
>>>>> iPad to your itunes etc" appears.
>>>>> Click sync again.
>>>>> Your iPad should sync up
>>>>> Sent from Ronni's iPad
>>>>> On 22/11/2011, at 10:08 PM, Roger Kortas <rkor...@iinet.net.au> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Ken
>>>>>> I have the same problem since the update, I have deleted the non
>>>>>> responding aps and downloaded them again.  But still have not fixed
>>>>>> the sync problem and like you only have one account.
>>>>>> roger
>>>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>>> On 22/11/2011, at 9:53 PM, cm <cm200...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ken,
>>>>>>> Do you have more than one Apple ID?
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> Carlo
>>>>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>>>>> On 22/11/2011, at 21:48, Ken Woods <logg...@westnet.com.au> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>> I have some apps on my iPad the for some reason have stopped
>>>>>>>> responding, and
>>>>>>>> also refuse to sync with iTunes, displaying a message that says
>>>>>>>> that these
>>>>>>>> half a dozen or so apps cannot be synced because the computer has
>>>>>>>> not been
>>>>>>>> authorised, although it has.
>>>>>>>> Would appreciate some info on how to reload these apps or fix the
>>>>>>>> problem,
>>>>>>>> would also like to know what causes it?
>>>>>>>> Many thanks
>>>>>>>> Ken
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