> another problem which is after being  
> active for a few minutes Transmission appears to
> be locking up my router (NetComm NB5Plus4 ADSL2+) so I can't even log  
> onto my modem's configuration page.

Oh, Brian,

There's a bug in Transmission (the torrent program) that causes Macs to slowly 
crash and die. 
But it's really sneaky because it doesn't appear to be caused by Transmission, 
even though it actually is.

What happens is your net connection stops working and you stop being able to 
switch open programs and/or you can't quit applications and you can't restart 
you computer without resorting to holding down the power button until it 
restarts, or other similar nuclear problems.

Check it out:



17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD

OS X 10.7.2 Lion
Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

On 30/12/2011, at 2:02 PM, Brian Scott wrote:

> I have not used YASU type apps for years - must be some lingering scar  
> on the system.
> Is there "ointment" I can put on it?
> google found "How to uninstall 24U Appearance OSAX" - "Find the 24U  
> Appearance OSAX and move it to the trash."
> so I did. I'll keep an eye on it to see if it reappears.
> I'm not being bothered by slow startups I'm trying to tidy things up a  
> bit.
> I found these will pursuing another problem which is after being  
> active for a few minutes Transmission appears to
> be locking up my router (NetComm NB5Plus4 ADSL2+) so I can't even log  
> onto my modem's configuration page.
> No browser or Mail can access the net when this happens.
> All the lights on the router stay on so there's no problem on the  
> other side of it.
> It gets so that even Transmission (v2.33) can't get out.
> But a few minutes after pausing all activity in Transmission  
> everything comes good.
> This has only started to happen recently. I've can't recall doing  
> anything to provoke it.
> I can't find any solution on their support pages.
> Thank you for your help.
> Brian
> On 30/12/2011, at 9:05 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>> Hi Brian,
>> I’ve been looking through your Console messages more thoroughly this  
>> morning, it’s a bit of a mess.
>> Are you running any third party utilities or anything that might  
>> modify the caches?
>> I ask because your bootup caches appear to have been modified...
>>> 29/12/11 4:30:32 PM com.apple.launchctl.System[2] BootCacheControl:
>>> could not open /var/db/BootCache.playlist: No such file or directory
>> Are you running the latest version of YASU? I personally don’t use  
>> these sorts of apps.
>> Many are more problematical than the problems they profess to solve.
>> It is not necessary to clear the cache on any regular basis. In  
>> fact, your cache may be corrupted.
>> Clearing the cache makes the next boot take a long time as the  
>> system restored the cache.
>>>> /Library/ScriptingAdditions/24U Appearance OSAX.osax/Contents/MacOS/
>>>> 24U Appearance OSAX: mach-o, but wrong architecture
>> This error message is telling you that the found scripting extension  
>> ("osax") is the wrong architecture.
>> This means that the "Appearance OSAX.osax" file was found, but it  
>> just contains code for the PPC Mac architecture & not code for the  
>> Intel architecture your Mac was looking for. (in other words it is  
>> not a Universal or Intel binary.)
>> If you do not need to use 24U Appearance OSAX uninstall it. If you  
>> need to use it … uninstall the version you have and download and  
>> install a Universal or Binary version.
>> It might have been installed when you installed perhaps ‘TrashIt’ or  
>> something similar.
>> You can find the 24U OSAX either your /Library/ScriptingAdditions/  
>> folder or ~/Library/ScriptingAdditions/, depending on what you  
>> select (All Users or Current User, respectively).
>> If you remove it (/Library/ScriptingAdditions/24U Appearance  
>> OSAX.osax) the message should go away.
>> Other applications put their versions of an OSAX in there also, so  
>> you might want to clean house.
>> Just be careful with what you remove as some apps won't work without  
>> them!
>> MenuCracker?
>> I’m unsure what to suggest you do now, some might suggest a ‘clean  
>> install’ of Leopard.
>> Clean up your Leopard System, uninstall ‘extras’ / addons /  
>> extensions you are not using or are not up to date.
>> 'Repair Disk' & 'Repair Permissions' (following the instructions in  
>> my previous email) and let’s see if there is any improvement.
>> Cheers,
>> Ronni
>> On 29/12/2011, at 6:51 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Brian,
>>> From your Console messages I imagine you are experiencing slow  
>>> Startups?
>>> Are you experiencing any freezes?
>>> Any other problems?
>>> Are you running any third party utilities or anything that could be  
>>> changing caches?
>>> When was the last time you Repaired your Hard Disk and Repaired  
>>> Permissions?
>>> The first thing I would suggest is to boot from a Leopard  
>>> Installation Disc and “Repair the Disk” & “Repair Permissions”
>>> A). Repair Disk.
>>> 1.  Start from your Mac OS X Install disc: Insert the installation  
>>> disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
>>> 2.  When your computer finishes starting up from the disc,  select  
>>> your language first, then select Disk Utility from the Installer  
>>> menu (at the top of your screen).
>>> Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the  
>>> Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to  
>>> access Disk Utility.
>>> 3.  Click the First Aid tab.
>>> 4.  Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive  
>>> icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
>>> 5.  Select your Mac OS X volume (sub-entry below the drive entry).
>>> 6.  Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk.
>>> NOTE: If Disk Utility reports any errors have been fixed, then re- 
>>> run Repair Disk until no errors are reported.
>>> B)  Then click on Repair Permissions.
>>> C).Then Download the Combo Update from here:
>>> <http://support.apple.com/downloads/Mac_OS_X_10_5_8_Combo_Update>
>>> and install
>>> D)  Repair Permissions again, this time from Applications >  
>>> Utilities > Disk Utility.
>>> E) Run Software Update and install any updates.
>>> Avoid performing any other processes while the Mac OS X 10.5.8  
>>> update is taking place.
>>> I’m knocking off from WAMUG support for today. I did only intend to  
>>> answer one or two WAMUG problems today.
>>> I’m still ‘trying’ to have a break ;-(
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 29/12/2011, at 5:08 PM, Brian Scott wrote:
>>>> Thank you Ronda.
>>>> I have OS 10.5.8 on a 24" iMac 3.06 Intel Core 2 Duo. 4 GB.
>>>> Getting rid of that pesky .plist file stopped that non-stop message.
>>>> It has allowed me to focus on some other errors on restart.
>>>> I've managed clean up some problems but there are more I'm not sure
>>>> what to do about.
>>>> For example from the list below is it safe for me to try getting rid
>>>> of /Library/ScriptingAdditions/24U Appearance OSAX.osax
>>>> And can you suggest what else I should do to clean up the restart.
>>>> This is from the Console Messages starting with the restart..
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:04 PM com.apple.loginwindow[37] Shutdown NOW!
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:04 PM com.apple.loginwindow[37] System shutdown time  
>>>> has
>>>> arrived
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:04 PM com.apple.SystemStarter[33] Stopping ProTecV  
>>>> Server
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:32 PM com.apple.launchctl.System[2] BootCacheControl:
>>>> could not open /var/db/BootCache.playlist: No such file or directory
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:32 PM com.apple.launchctl.System[2] BootCacheControl:
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:32 PM com.apple.launchctl.System[2] could not unlink
>>>> playlist /var/db/BootCache.playlist: Unknown error: -1
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:33 PM com.apple.launchctl.System[2] launchctl: Please
>>>> convert the following to launchd: /etc/mach_init.d/
>>>> dashboardadvisoryd.plist
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:33 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.adobe.versioncueCS4)
>>>> Unknown key: ServiceDescription
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:33 PM com.apple.launchd[1]
>>>> (com.apple.RemoteDesktop.PrivilegeProxy) Unknown key for boolean:
>>>> EnableTransactions
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:33 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.usbmuxd) Unknown
>>>> key for boolean: EnableTransactions
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:33 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cups-lpd) Unknown
>>>> key: SHAuthorizationRight
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:33 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.cups.cupsd) Unknown  
>>>> key:
>>>> SHAuthorizationRight
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:33 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.ntp.ntpd) Unknown key:
>>>> SHAuthorizationRight
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:33 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (org.x.privileged_startx)
>>>> Unknown key for boolean: EnableTransactions
>>>> 29/12/11 4:30:46 PM org.ntp.ntpd[27] Error : nodename nor servname
>>>> provided, or not known
>>>> 29/12/11 4:31:05 PM com.apple.SystemStarter[32] Starting ProTec6  
>>>> Server
>>>> 29/12/11 4:31:21 PM com.apple.launchd[1]
>>>> ([0x0-0x6006].com.dantz.RetroRunSL[119]) Exited: Terminated
>>>> 29/12/11 4:31:21 PM com.apple.launchd[1] (com.apple.UserEventAgent-
>>>> LoginWindow[109]) Exited: Terminated
>>>> 29/12/11 4:31:21 PM com.apple.launchd[120]
>>>> (com.apple.AirPortBaseStationAgent) Unknown key for boolean:
>>>> EnableTransactions
>>>> 29/12/11 4:31:21 PM com.apple.launchd[120] (org.x.startx) Unknown  
>>>> key
>>>> for boolean: EnableTransactions
>>>> 29/12/11 4:31:45 PM Dock[138] [QL ERROR] Generator database update
>>>> takes too long... we will use what we currently have
>>>> 29/12/11 4:31:46 PM Finder[140] [QL ERROR] Generator database update
>>>> takes too long... we will use what we currently have
>>>> 29/12/11 4:31:46 PM SystemUIServer[141]  MenuCracker 2.2 (/Library/
>>>> PreferencePanes/MenuMeters.prefPane/Contents/Resources/ 
>>>> MenuCracker.menu)
>>>> See http://sourceforge.net/projects/menucracker
>>>> MenuCracker is now loaded. Ready to accept new menu extras.
>>>> 29/12/11 4:31:46 PM SystemUIServer[141] failed to instantiate and  
>>>> get
>>>> the principal class of bundle: NSBundle </Library/PreferencePanes/
>>>> MenuMeters.prefPane/Contents/Resources/MenuCracker.menu> (loaded)
>>>> 29/12/11 4:31:58 PM SystemUIServer[141] MenuCracker: Allowing
>>>> "MenuMeterCPUExtra".
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:01 PM SystemUIServer[141] MenuMeterCPU loaded.
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:01 PM SystemUIServer[141] MenuCracker: Allowing
>>>> "MenuMeterMemExtra".
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:03 PM SystemUIServer[141] MenuMeterMem loaded.
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:04 PM SystemUIServer[141] MenuCracker: Allowing
>>>> "MenuMeterNetExtra".
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:07 PM SystemUIServer[141] MenuMeterNet loaded.
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:06 PM [0x0-0x17017].com.elgato.eyetvhelper[191] EyeTV
>>>> Helper version 3.5.2 build 306
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:08 PM LCCDaemon[196] Error loading /Library/
>>>> ScriptingAdditions/24U Appearance OSAX.osax/Contents/MacOS/24U
>>>> Appearance OSAX:  dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/24U Appearance
>>>> OSAX.osax/Contents/MacOS/24U Appearance OSAX, 262): no suitable  
>>>> image
>>>> found.  Did find:
>>>> /Library/ScriptingAdditions/24U Appearance OSAX.osax/Contents/MacOS/
>>>> 24U Appearance OSAX: mach-o, but wrong architecture
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:08 PM [0x0-0x1c01c].com.Logitech.Control
>>>> Center.Daemon[196] LCCDaemon: OpenScripting.framework - scripting
>>>> addition /Library/ScriptingAdditions/24U Appearance OSAX.osax  
>>>> declares
>>>> no loadable handlers.
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:08 PM MagicMenuHotKeyDaemon[198] Started
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:08 PM [0x0-0x1a01a].com.stuffit.MagicMenu[194]
>>>> 2011-12-29 16:32:08.340 MagicMenuHotKeyDaemon[198:10b] Started
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:15 PM [0x0-0x17017].com.elgato.eyetvhelper[191]
>>>> SystemFlippers: didn't consume all data for long ID 0 (pBase =
>>>> 0x100287e20, p = 0x100287e24, pEnd = 0x100287e28)
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:15 PM [0x0-0x17017].com.elgato.eyetvhelper[191]
>>>> SystemFlippers: didn't consume all data for long ID 0 (pBase =
>>>> 0x1002328b0, p = 0x1002328b4, pEnd = 0x1002328b8)
>>>> 29/12/11 4:32:15 PM [0x0-0x17017].com.elgato.eyetvhelper[191]
>>>> SystemFlippers: didn't consume all data for long ID 0 (pBase =
>>>> 0x1002328b0, p = 0x1002328b4, pEnd = 0x1002328b8)
>>>> As you can see there what appear to faults of some kind such as
>>>> Unknown keys and other errors.
>>>> Thank you
>>>> Brian
>>>> On 29/12/2011, at 2:15 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>> On 29/12/2011, at 12:04 PM, Brian Scott wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I keep getting these same messages in the Console Message pane..
>>>>>> These are some samples I dragged into Mail..
>>>>>> 29/12/11 11:58:00 AM com.apple.launchd[120]
>>>>>> (com.epson.epw.agent[13354]) posix_spawnp("/Library/Printers/ 
>>>>>> EPSON/
>>>>>> InkjetPrinter/EPW/IJEPWAgent.app/Contents/MacOS/ 
>>>>>> IJEPWAgent", ...): No
>>>>>> such file or directory
>>>>>> 29/12/11 11:58:00 AM com.apple.launchd[120]
>>>>>> (com.epson.epw.agent[13354]) Exited with exit code: 1
>>>>>> 29/12/11 11:58:00 AM com.apple.launchd[120] (com.epson.epw.agent)
>>>>>> Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds
>>>>>> What is going on here and can/should I stop it?
>>>>>> How do I stop it?
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> Brian
>>>>> Hi Brian,
>>>>> Do you use an Epson Printer? What OS X are you running Snow Leopard
>>>>> or Lion?
>>>>> This is similar to a question from Merv I replied to on 18 December
>>>>> 2011, Re: Printer monitor spontaneously launches.
>>>>> What I think is happening in your case is.
>>>>> Your Console message is indicating Launchd is looking for the file
>>>>> at location:
>>>>> /Library/Printers/EPSON/ InkjetPrinter/EPW/IJEPWAgent.app/Contents/
>>>>> MacOS/IJEPWAgent”
>>>>> It doesn’t find it (as I presume it isn’t there), so you receive  
>>>>> “No
>>>>> such file or directory”
>>>>> If this is the case, locate this file com.epson.epw.agent.plist and
>>>>> make a copy of it and put the copy someplace safe, then delete the
>>>>> original .plist file and Reboot your computer.
>>>>> Look in:
>>>>> HD > Library > LaunchAgents > com.epson.epw.agent.plist
>>>>> Look also in HD > Library > LaunchDaemons >   
>>>>> com.epson.epw.agent.plist
>>>>> If this solves your problem, trash the copy.
>>>>> As an aside, remember that the .plist extension means the file is a
>>>>> "property list," which refers to the file's form, not it's  
>>>>> function.
>>>>> Many .plist files are not found in Preference folders and are not
>>>>> "preference files" - they will not be automatically re-created if
>>>>> deleted. The files used by launchd to create launch daemons and
>>>>> launch agents are in this category - they are in property list
>>>>> format and so have .plist extensions, but they are not "preference"
>>>>> files. The "info.plist" files inside application bundles are not
>>>>> "preference files" either.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> 17" MacBook Pro 2.3GHz Quad-Core i7 “Thunderbolt"
>>>>> 2.3GHz / 8GB / 750GB @ 7200rpm HD
>>>>> OS X 10.7.2 Lion
>>>>> Windows 7 Ultimate (under sufferance)

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