If anyone has Interarchy 10 and is running 10.7 then please read on for 
information about a beta test.
I have Interarchy 10 but I am running 10.5 so of no help.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Nolobe News] A great Interarchy deal, the year ahead, and beta 
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2012 19:55:01 +1100
From: Matthew Drayton <matt...@nolobe.com>
To: m...@iinet.net.au

Nolobe Newsletter
Volume 6 Issue 1, January 6th 2011

     Preface & Introduction
     New Year Savings - Interarchy 10 for $14.95
     Plans for 2012
     Beta Testing


   You are receiving this email because you purchased a product from
   Nolobe <http://nolobe.com/> in the past.

   If you do not wish to receive mailings from us kindly click the
   link at the bottom of this email and accept our sincere apologies
   for taking your time. Once unsubscribed you won't receive any
   further mailings from us.


   I'm Matthew Drayton, CEO and lead developer here at Nolobe. It
   has been a while since our last newsletter but we have big things
   planned for the year ahead.

New Year Savings - Interarchy 10 for $14.95

   If you haven't purchased Interarchy 10 there's no time like the
   present because for a limited time Interarchy is available $14.95.
   That is half off the normal price of $29.95.

   To purchase Interarchy 10 for $14.95 enter the coupon code
   HAPPYNEWYEAR2012 and save.


   If you already have Interarchy 10 thank you very much for your
   past purchase. We would be honoured if you were to pass along the
   coupon, and a good word, to your friends.

Plans for 2012

   We had big plans for 2011 but like so much in life little went
   according to plan. I suffered a major back injury which slowed
   development on Interarchy somewhat. I'm hesitant to say I am back
   to 100% but I feel much better and am looking forward to spending
   a lot of time in front of Xcode.

   2012 marks my 12th year of working on Interarchy and am very much
   looking forward to showing you the next big update soon.
   Additionally we also have a new app, tentatively called Paste,
   which should be available next month.

   As always the above information is subject to change but it should
   give you an idea of what we are working on here at Nolobe and what
   our plans are moving forward.

Beta Testing

   We are looking for beta testers. Anyone with an Interarchy 10
   license and a Mac running OS X 10.7 or an iPhone or iPad running
   iOS 5 is welcome to take part. If you are interested please send
   an email to the following address along with the hardware UUIDs
   for any devices you wish to test on.



   That is all for the moment. Thank you for your time.

   To keep up with Nolobe you can follow our Twitter account:


   or check out our company weblog:


   I hope you have a wonderful 2012 and as always thank you for your

   Kind Regards,

Sent By Nolobe Software Pty Ltd, 555 Oakey Creek Road, Pokolbin

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