Hi folks,

Haven't made a post to the group for a long time now but still reading in the 

I've got an old Macintosh SE and a Macintosh Classic which I'm looking to 
connect up to re-live some old black-and-white games.

Since moving house I've lost a few bits and pieces it seems and I'm missing 
both the ADB cables used for connecting the keyboard to the Mac.

I've also got an old external SCSI hard drive however I can't find an SCSI 
terminator (remember these)!?

So anyone willing to check their "old tech cupboard" please let me know if you 
have any ADB cables, SCSI cables/terminators (or old keyboard/mouse and any 
other suitable parts for that matter) that you'd be willing to sell me.

Thanks in advance.

P.S. I saw Peter Hinchliffe offered some SCSI cables recently so I've sent him 
an email too.
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