On 24/01/2012, at 9:36 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:

> This one falls into the "obvious when you think about it" category - so many
> of you will think "doesn't everyone know that" - but it never occurred to me
> until today! ;o)
> Being a Mac user from way before spotlight searches were introduced, I got
> into the habit of sorting all my documents into folders, then the folders
> into folders, and so on. Over the years that leads to several levels of
> nested folders - I know some of you will identify with this obsessive need
> for order ;o)
> This works very well for me (and spotlight is always there if I forget where
> I filed something). It can however be a minor annoyance when using, for
> example, the "save as" dialogue and having to navigate through the various
> folders/levels to get to the appropriate folder to file a new document. I
> tend to put the folders where I am always working into the finder sidebar -
> so it is easy to go straight to them - it is the other folders, several
> layers down, which take a few clicks to get there.
> Then, today, I noticed that the "save as" dialogue box also incorporates the
> "search" window - so I just put in the name of the folder I wanted to get to
> and took the "save" process straight there - sweet!
> As I say, pretty "obvious when you think about it" - but it took me a while
> to think of it - so it may just help someone else ;o)

As a long-time user and advocate of Default Folder (as early as System 7) I can 
strongly recommend it as as solution to the tricky problem of file navigation 
from within file dialogs. Apart  from allowing you to set up a system of 
favourite folders (and a host of other features), it gives you access to all 
recently-used folders, so you can always get very quickly from one place to 
another, especially when you can't precisely remember the name of the folder 
you were last in (a not uncommon problem in my experience). Default Folder is 
not free, but it's worth every penny as a productivity tool. 

Peter Hinchliffe        Apwin Computer Services
FileMaker Pro Solutions Developer
Perth, Western Australia
Phone (618) 9332 6482    Mob 0403 046 948
Mac because I prefer it -- Windows because I have to.

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