Hey Carlo,

 iPad 3 release date March 7 2012; in US stores March 16; and then be available 
in Australia March 30th ;-)


Sent from Ronni's iPad

On 16/02/2012, at 11:59 AM, cm <cm200...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Adrian,
> If you are thinking of buying an iPad in the very near future, it may be 
> prudent to wait a couple of weeks. It is only a rumour, albeit a persistent 
> one, but Apple may announce the next version of the iPad (iPad 3 or even 
> perhaps iPad 2s) on March 7.
> http://www.macrumors.com/2012/02/13/ipad-3-announcement-on-march-7th-with-quad-core-and-4g-lte/
> Cheers,
> Carlo
> On 16/02/2012, at 11:49 , Adrian Skehan wrote:
>> Thanks Ronni
>> I have also used the iPhone personal hotspot from time to time without a 
>> problem but most of the time I log into friends & relies WiFi systems.  I 
>> have a Telstra pre paid and with the bonuses that comes with it I have never 
>> been able to use it up in-spite of the fact that we never use the house 
>> phone for any out going calls.
>> Seeing that the iPad 2 has been out for a fair while now I am wondering just 
>> when the next model is likely to appear.  Its usually my luck to by 
>> something and have it superseded in a couple of weeks.
>> Regards,
>> Adrian
>> adrianske...@me.com
>> On 16/02/2012, at 11:19 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Adrian,
>>> I have used my iPhone to Personal Hotspot to my MacBook Pro and iPad on 
>>> occasions when no Wi-Fi is available.
>>> I have to watch my Data Download though as I only have a 1.5GB Data plan on 
>>> my iPhone.
>>> The Personal Hotspot can accept up to three simultaneous connections, 
>>> letting you connect a Mac or two as well, when no Wi-Fi is available.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 16/02/2012, at 11:07 AM, Callum Prior wrote:
>>>> It can indeed.  It's how I'm responding now.  You can use your iPhone to 
>>>> set up a personal wifi hotspot.
>>>> Cheers!
>>>> --
>>>> Callum Prior
>>>> On 16/02/2012, at 11:03 AM, Adrian Skehan <adrianske...@me.com> wrote:
>>>>> Good morning all
>>>>> I have concluded that of my MacBook Pro is a serious over-kill for what I 
>>>>> use it for and i am thinking of disposing of it and getting a iPad for 
>>>>> when I go away on holidays but I cant seem to find a definitive answer to 
>>>>> the following questions:
>>>>> Is it necessary to have a separate data plan for a 3G iPad 2 to access 
>>>>> the internet or can the iPhone 4 be connected to it for internet access?
>>>>> and
>>>>> Can the iPad 2 WiFi access the internet via the iPhone?
>>>>> Thanks in anticipation.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Adrian
>>>>> adrianske...@me.co
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