Hi All

After last months Committee meeting, we now have a couple of items for your 

1. We have set up a very useful WAMUG iCal calendar for you.
On here we have listed all the WAMUG meetings for the year. We plan to have on 
this calendar listed the next few meeting agendas, so you can see what topics / 
discussions we have in place. This gives you some idea of the meeting before 
hand. We hope to keep this up to date as best as possible. (Obviously some 
things may change if some "fantastic" is announced we want to discuss, or 
someone can't make it.
So far you can see the items for April and May meeting. You can load this into 
your iCal on the computer, iPhone, iPad (Which will stay in sync for iTunes or 

To join, just follow the instructions below:-


To add these to iCal, all you need do is click the link above. It will 
automatically open iCal (assuming you have this set as the default Calendar 
Once it opens iCal, you'll be presented with a Box and the address completed. 
You then click "Subscribe".
On the next window that shows you can Customise details:-
- What you want to name the calendar (or leave as WAMUG etc)
- What colour you want the calendar to be in iCal (eg Yellow)
- The Location where it's stored (On My Mac, will just have it on your computer 
and syncing via iTunes for 10.6.8 or via iCloud for 10.7.3 users).
- You can choose to remove Alerts, Attachments and Reminders if associated with 
the calendar (nothing really set or attached at the moment)
- And lastly you can have how often it refreshes (or leave at Every Week).
Then Click "OK"
You'll then see that it adds the Calendars in for you.

That simple!! :)

2. We have set up an announceme...@wamug.org.au email address for this list.
This will be a generic email address that we will use for announcements, admin 
requests. It won't be an address that can be replied to, as we're just using it 
to post to the list from a "Committee / Admin" level.
This should make it a bit easier to see for certain things. So please ensure 
you keep an eye out for it if we do post. There may be something very useful in 
it! :o)

Thank you for taking the time to read this. We appreciate it.

Now, I return you to your normal program.


- WAMUG Committee

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