Hi Tim

I had the same with clients, but all the questions, when you click on the 
choices there was one(s) that let you create your own questions and answers, so 
you didn't have to use their rubbish ones.
You can still change it to something you want.
If you log in to AppleID 
<https://appleid.apple.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MyAppleId.woa/> it will then let 
you change the question you've chosen to create your own Question and Answer 
Makes it a bit easier. :)

Hope that helps

Kind regards
Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
Web:   <http://www.macwizardry.com.au>

**For everything Macintosh**

On 21/04/2012, at 7:08 PM, Tim Law wrote:

> Evening,
> I've been into iTunes to download some new apps, and come across a new screen 
> that I cannot bypass, insisting I complete three security questions that have 
> preset questions that I will have to remember. 
> These are not self selectable questions but some no doubt selected by a 
> person much younger than me who thinks the questions are relevant and able to 
> be remembered. 
> Questions such as favourite teacher, least favourite teacher, favourite car, 
> least favourite car, best friend in school, and even where I had my first 
> kiss.   This is nonsense as far as I am concerned - grumpy old man response I 
> know, but it assumes a whole lot, such as first that I remember these things, 
> or even cared about them either the many decades ago they happened or 
> remember them with enough consistency to say the same thing again next time 
> iTunes happens to ask me. 
> If they are going to ask questions that will have to be recalled completely 
> accurately into the future to pass a computer gate keeper, they should be 
> factual, not opinions such as "favourite" or 'least favourite' which can 
> easily change over time. Bah humbug....  Not happy with the very unApple not 
> well considered questions.  Yes, there are five options for each of the three 
> questions, but nevertheless, they are useless and unhelpful questions. 
> Now, I'm off to 1Password to add them in so I don't forget. And I took a 
> screen print in case more than three minutes passed between answering the 
> questions and have to recall them....... pfft, what's the world coming too?
> BTW, it was with Kate, over at Rotto....... she swam out to .... ooooow, too 
> much information. 
> Tim
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