I find the sequence of events somewhat hard to follow - but have just one

If you had the G4 mounted as a target drive on the iMac and then aborted a
transfer to the iMac and deleted the destination folder on the iMac then you
obviously wouldn't expect to have it on the iMac - but, as others have
already said, you would expect the original to be still on the G4.

However, IF you somehow deleted the original while still in target mode AND
emptied the trash whilst still in target mode then you have, in effect,
emptied the trash on BOTH discs - in which case, without a good backup to
fall back on, data recovery is probably your only hope.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 11/5/12 9:33 AM, Ronda Brown at ro...@mac.com wrote:

> OMG Rick,
> When you make a mistake... you really make a mistake! And then you continued
> complicating the mistake ;-)
> Why empty the trash until you have completed the transfer and know everything
> is correct?
> If the folder is NOT on the iMac and you did NOT delete it from the G4, it
> still has to be on the G4.
> Have you looked in the Trash on the G4?
> What was the original location (Path) of the Folder on the G4?
> Check the original location of the folder on the G4, if it is not there...
> check the location on the G4 that you were transferring the folder to when
> transferring to the iMac (if it was a different location).
> I can't believe that a 50GB Folder that was visible, could become invisible by
> transfer.
> It was not in the Library...?
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 11/05/2012, at 9:21 AM, Rick Armstrong wrote:
>> No it is not on the iMac plus I emptied the trash (if it was in the
>> trash it wouldn't have emptied that quickly) - I unmounted correctly by
>> ejecting. From vague memory the HD has _not _been reduced by 50Gb.
>> Robert has suggested it may be an invisible file and has given me some
>> links (thanks), I have a poke around there without doing anything
>> further first. I think at the end of the day  "Data Rescue" is pobably
>> the safest. Thanks.
>> On 11/05/12 9:01 AM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>> Hi Rick
>>> Is the Client folder definitely not on the iMac? ie not in the location it
>>> was being copied to or in the trash?
>>> Did you unmount the G4 drive before disconnecting the FireWire cable or just
>>> shut down the machines?
>>> Does the G4 show the amount of space for the folder the client folder was in
>>> or does it look to be less then the size it was. Eg if it was the Documents
>>> folder and you do a Get Info on it does it show as being large enough to
>>> hold the 50gb data or less. That will show if it's actually there or not.
>>> There are some program's that show invisible files, but they can be a bit
>>> dangerous if you're not sure on file formats or locations. And the above
>>> size query would override looking if the folders not big enough anyway.
>>> Im guessing there wasn't a backup of the G4 before you started?
>>> If it was me I'd want to be doing a clone of the g4 in its current state
>>> before doing anything else, that way there's always a fall back point to go
>>> back too. Takes longer but then at least the drive is covered one way or the
>>> other.
>>> Then data recovery (from the likes of Data Rescue) is an option if nothing
>>> else turns up
>>> Kind regards
>>> Daniel
>>> Sent from my iPhone 4s
>>> ---
>>> Daniel Kerr
>>> MacWizardry
>>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>>> Email:<daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>>> Web:<http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>>> ** For Everything Apple **
>>> On 11/05/2012, at 8:40 AM, Rick Armstrong<a...@iinet.net.au>  wrote:
>>>> Yes Ronni, that is correct, via target mode
>>>> 1. A simple procedure, I could see the G4 HD on the iMac, so transferred
>>>> the _one_ Client Folder to the iMac (too easy)
>>>> 2. Then thought I should _copy_ the Client Folder to the iMac because if
>>>> I disconnect from target mode the folder is not going to be there.
>>>> 3. So started a copy and thought I should back up the Client Folder
>>>> _first_ so abandoned the procedure and trashed the Client Folder from
>>>> the iMac.
>>>> 4. Then ejected the G4 and on start up of the G4 the client folder was
>>>> missing.
>>>> 5. Panic, then spotlight, disk utility, permissions and restart on the
>>>> G4 but so sign of the missing folder.
>>>> 6. Downloaded the trail version of "Stellar Phoenix Macintosh Data
>>>> Recovery" and Client Folder showed up in the recovery.
>>>> 7. So should I proceed down this and get full version or has damaged
>>>> been already done to the Clients Folder File.
>>>> Daniel, say it just may be invisible or the directory may need
>>>> repairing, I don't how to do this or how to find an invisible folder.
>>>> The folder is about 50Gb so it I am hoping it can't be deleted that
>>>> quickly.
>>>> Thanks all, Rick.
>>>> On 11/05/12 7:49 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>> Hi Rick,
>>>>> To try and get some clarity on what you were attempting to do...
>>>>> Were you trying to transfer this 50GB Folder from your old G4 running
>>>>> Tiger to your new iMac (that I assisted you with 'offlist' doing a Erase
>>>>> 'Wipe of the Drive' and then a 'Clean Install of Lion', back in March
>>>>> 2012)?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> On 10/05/2012, at 10:51 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:
>>>>>> Not sure what to advise on this one, not having come across a problem
>>>>>> like that before.
>>>>>> But before I did anything I'd be making a clone of the G4 or ensuring
>>>>>> it's all backed up before started. (Like with most jobs, should always
>>>>>> ensure a backup is on hand or available before starting).
>>>>>> I'm assuming the client doesn't have a backup of the data?
>>>>>> Was it a migration to a new iMac? Or transferring data over to a newer
>>>>>> machine?
>>>>>> Target mode copy shouldn't really overwrite the original, even when it
>>>>>> stopped, so that itself is a bit strange.
>>>>>> If you target mode the original computer to another computer does the
>>>>>> folder show up that way?
>>>>>> Does the location where the folder should be show as the correct sizing
>>>>>> at all? (i.e. does it add to what you would expect with or what out the
>>>>>> data that is "missing".
>>>>>> Could possibly be in a different location (And not showing in a search),
>>>>>> or be invisible, or the directory just needs repaired to show it
>>>>>> correctly. (if it's still there).
>>>>>> But as mentioned, I'd certainly be backing everything up to a spare drive
>>>>>> before even attempting anything like that, especially with a clients
>>>>>> data, and checking what backups they have in place as well.
>>>>>> Let us know how you go
>>>>>> Kind regards
>>>>>> Daniel
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>> Daniel Kerr
>>>>>> MacWizardry
>>>>>> Phone: 0414 795 960
>>>>>> Email:<daniel AT macwizardry.com.au>
>>>>>> Web:<http://www.macwizardry.com.au>
>>>>>> **For everything Macintosh**
>>>>>> On 10/05/2012, at 9:13 PM, Rick Armstrong wrote:
>>>>>>> It was a Clients Folder and I have looked everywhere, it is not there in
>>>>>>> the Macintosh HD. I have used a Stellar Phoenix Macintosh Data Recovery
>>>>>>> and this seems to have located the folder but I have to purchase the
>>>>>>> software (about $100.00) ok if it enables me to retrieve all the files
>>>>>>> in that folder without corruption. Thanks, Rick.
>>>>>>> On 10/05/12 7:28 PM, cm wrote:
>>>>>>>> Hi Rick,
>>>>>>>> It depends which folder you are looking for of course but if it was
>>>>>>>> your Documents folder, you will find it at
>>>>>>>> [Hard Drive Name]/Users/[Account Name]/Documents
>>>>>>>> Where: "Hard Drive Name" is the hard drive you have mounted in target
>>>>>>>> mode and
>>>>>>>>            "Account Name" is your user login -- something like "Rick"
>>>>>>>> If Documents was not the folder you are looking for, let us know which
>>>>>>>> folder it is and how you navigated to the folder on your old machine.
>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>> Carlo
>>>>>>>> On 10/05/2012, at 17:46 , Rick Armstrong wrote:
>>>>>>>>> In an attempt to copy a folder approx 50Gb using target disk from a
>>>>>>>>> G4 to and iMac and then abandoning the attempt because I wasn't sure
>>>>>>>>> what I was doing am not able to find that folder on the original HD
>>>>>>>>> anywhere. I find it hard to believe that I can lose a large folder
>>>>>>>>> that quickly.
>>>>>>>>> In a panic now.

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